So, I am notoriously awkward when it comes to sensitive situations. I honestly have NO IDEA what the right thing to do is when bad things are happening to other people.
Well, this CW of mine who I really like just got some very sad and upsetting news about his wife's pregnancy and he is just (obviously) broken up about it. I was just standing there like an awkward turtle while he was telling me.
I want to do something to let him know that I am thinking about him / his wife / his baby and show my support, but I have NO IDEA what is appropriate.
If you just got very upsetting news about your pregnancy, what would you want / expect / like a CW to do? Or would you not want them to do anything?
I know even ASKING this question is awkward, but I am SUCH a mess at this sort of thing, I really need some direction here.
Re: Please help me not be super awkward
I'm such a spaz about this that I just gchatted StephanieDeanne thinking it was my CW Stephanie asking for advice.
Thanks for the answer, Marshy.
I am glad I could help
Not sure if there is anything you can give. I think the important thing to make sure of is to be careful about what you say. When I had my m/c, the last thing I wanted to hear was anyone trying to downplay it or tell me everything would be ok. Who ever came up with the saying, "Everything happens for a reason" should be punched in the throat.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Ditto. Just avoid any cliche sayings. Yuck.
OMG if I can give ANY advice, NEVER EVER EVER say that in a situation like m/c, death, etc. You may think it is comforting, but I personally wanted to strangle anyone who said that to me. "I'm so sorry," is all you ever need to say. In most cases, people don't want to talk about it anyway, and the more brief you can be, while showing empathy, the better.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I'm probably just going to drop him a little note that says that I am thinking about him and sending good vibes out in the universe for him, his wife, and their baby. Does that sound ok?
i think that sounds good!
Agreed. I was going to suggest just a card or note saying that you're thinking about them and sending them good thoughts and if you're comfortable with it, letting him know that you're around if he needs to vent/talk/scream, etc.