lol..he was nothing but trouble for DH to eat. He was a good boy for most of the day but he ate nothing but an ounce so DH brought him down to my work so I could nurse him so he could eat something. You could tell he had been crying for a while ugh, totally breaks my heart.
We started a bottle early (2 weeks) and but only gave it to him every other week or so and he took it fine then but for the past week or so he wont have anything to do with the bottle or pacy. He just plays with it and munches on it or pushes it to the side of his mouth.....anything but suck.
He finally took some from my mom (who came up today for 2 days)! That was later in the afternoon.
I know that he will eat when he gets hungry enough but I hate that he cries for so long before giving in. Hopefully it gets easier.
Re: 1st day back at work and Connor was being trouble!
aw poor baby!
but on the up side, at least you got to show him off to everyone at work that hasnt seen him
i hope he has a better day today!
Aww Connor you are giving your momma a hard time huh? Don'tcha know you have to eat so you can grow big and strong!?
Have you tried many different bottles/nipples Beth?
Jack started on the bottle in the NICU and they sent us home with a ton of similac orthodontic nipples and now he stuck on those...I am now in the process of trying different's a long process, but he took a dr browns sorta ok, but I felt so bad it took him so long to get thru his bottle.
So otherwise how was it being back to work? I made it a point the other day when you mentioned yesterday was going to be "the day" and I said "crystal don't forget to wish Beth luck!" Grr I was preoccupied yesterday sorry hun!