Phoenix Nesties
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Okay. There are a bunch of us who want out of Newbie phase. This is usually the easiest way to get a BUNCH of posts. Anyone who wants to join in on the fun can make their own thread of Ask me anything.
So someone help me by asking me ANYTHING.
I'll start by saying that my favorite colour is green.
Re: Ask me anything.
Jaye I am honestly shocked that you and Shelly are still newbies...I feel like I dont post more then you guys, but I guess I do..Im half way (i think) to silver!!! Silver is after bronze right??
For my question....Why havent you blogged as much?
I know! You are just superwoman
My blog...It's like a massive fail right now. The majority of the problem is that I just haven't felt like blogging ever since roomie started staying with us. I'm just not in a good mood when I get home. Cooking feels like a chore...thus no enthusiasm for my cooking blog.
Plus I haven't made too much that was interesting since feeding roomie is like feeding a four year old. The only veggies he'll eat are like zucchini and carrots...He HAS to have meat in every meal (which is so rare in our house). So I feel like I have to cater a little bit. I've really toned down my cooking.
Then there is also part of me that thinks I need to merge my blog into a personal blog that has cooking stuff once in awhile. We have so much other stuff going on that I feel like I want to blog about, but can't on a strictly cooking blog.
Long winded answer! But once roomie gets out (hopefully next week!!!) I'll most likely start up a new blog and get back to cooking fun food.
Totally Understand...I would honestly tell roomie that just because you live here doesnt mean we have to cater to your meal needs. F THAT!
Thats pretty much how my blog is, cooking with personal stuff mixed in
Nothing wrong with that 
I could...but I don't have any balls.
There I snuck in a tid bit of info on myself.
I don't have any balls. Physically or mentally (when dealing with roomie at least)
Repeat after me: "Roomie, you are a freeloader. You are not paying us rent. You said you'd be staying with us for a few weeks. This has turned into >3 months. I will now start cooking the things that MH and I like, because those are the people in this house contributing to food money. I will be nice by continuing to make enough of said food for you to eat. If you want to eat meat, or do not like the things I am making, there is a Fry's Grocery store .1 miles away. kthxbai.
P.S. eat some friggin veggies before you get scurvy!"
LMFAO. This is why I love you.
I figure I've gone this long with maintaining Saint-hood in this situation, that I might as well follow through for another couple of days. Heck...maybe I'll get some good karma and our offer letter will be on it's way.
Which Nest emoticon best represents you?
I was going to ask if said roomie was pitching in any, but you answered that...
hmmm, is it hard to be close to your step-mom? I guess it's a bit personal, but you said anything...
Mmm. It used to be hamburgers. My earliest memory of cooking was making hamburgers with my dad. I love his recipe, which I still use all the time! But I also like to experiment with new flavourings, french onion burgers were fun.
Recently though...I've found I have a love for making homemade lasagna. Noodles by hand and everything. It's been so fun to actually learn how to do it instead of buying a frozen one.
Wow. Deep
Yes it really is. We've had major relationship issues from the very beginning, but I always put on the good face for my dad. After he passed though, I've found it increasingly difficult to even be around her. I feel like I'm faking the whole relationship. It sucks. But lack of balls has kept me from cutting my ties, even when I have no ties left, you know? I still feel like having the opportunity to go up to that house, and see the things that remind me of him is worth it to me. For now at least.
But I truly despise her with every ounce of my being.
I'm sorry you dislike her so--really I asked b/c I have a really hard time faking relationships, so I wondered how you did it. DH is much better at it than me, though it makes me mad when I feel like he's acting fake. At the same time I too am a total chicken and don't cut ties when I should
You can ask me anything deep as well-- I don't even think of myself as nearly as deep and mysterious as I want to be
Here's a beauty pageant question (lol):
If you could have dinner with one famous person in history, whom would it be and why?
I would REALLY like to learn to speak German.
Marlon Brando. (young MB, not Godfather MB)
For the soul reason that I think he is the epitome of sexy in A Streetcar Named Desire. I would die just to sit next to him.
Oh that is so true! He is sooo HAWT in that! I may have to watch that now...
It really is hard! There are so many times that I've been a cm away from lashing out on her and letting her know what I really think of her.
She's a bad person that doesn't even comprehend how bad she is. She thinks she's such a sweet, innocent person...Ugg...
The ultimate plan is to move. It all depends on him though. I think if he could get a job here, we might stay for awhile. It's highly unlikely thought, so we still talk about where we would want to go. We're not on the same page with dream locations
I want to move back to Ottawa (SHOCKER) or stay close to like Colorado or Oregon, maybe Washington. I have always wanted to live in Seattle.
Der wants the East coast...he's totally never been there though. His mind is thinking North Carolina (hello hurricanes!) or Maryland (his advisor went got his PhD from Maryland so he has connections). Although I do have family in Maryland...I don't really want to live there.
I have major anxiety, I wish I didn't. The smallest thing can throw me off and I won't sleep for weeks.
Flying scares the SH*T out of me. I've flown a lot in my life, but for the last 4 years I've pretty much needed to be drugged up to get on a plane because my anxiety takes over.
I once got it in my head that the world was going to end and I couldn't sleep properly for like 3 months because I was waiting for it to happen. Any noise or light would set me off thinking that there was an asteroid heading for earth, or a nuc, or something.
I would buy myself a new Burberry bag. My current one is almost 6 years old and the material has actually split in certain places. It's been well loved.
That's SUCH a hard one for me!
Pan's Labyrinth
The Godfather
The Princess Bride
Interview with a Vampire
Wedding Crashers/Mean Girls (these tie)