My ob/gyn just called. Apparently, according to my bloodwork, I am a carrier for the abnormal gene that causes Cystic Fibrosis.
DH is going in for bloodwork tomorrow and hopefully we should find out whether he is also a carrier next week. After those results, we'll schedule genetic counseling if necessary.
Apparently it's very rare for both "reproductive partners" (as my OB called it) to be carriers - and it takes both parents carrying it for a child to have a chance of developing it. Basically, my carrying the gene means that one of my parents carried it. So I just got off the phone with my mother because we have no history of CF in our family at all. To my knowledge, my biological father's family doesn't either. But I told her because I figured that eventually, when my brother and sister go to have children, that they need to know that there is 50% chance that they are also a carrier.
Oy. OB said he really wasn't too worried where we already have one healthy child and for me not to worry until we get DH's results back. At that point, we'd go from there. Meh.
Re: Well that's just f*&%ing fabulous.
So, if you both ARE carriers (big if), that obviously doesn't guarantee that your child would get CF. What are the odds, do you know? And I'm curious why you didn't find this out when you were pregnant the first time? Did they just not do this testing?
Etierh w
So, if you both ARE carriers (big if), that obviously doesn't guarantee that your child would get CF. What are the odds, do you know? And I'm curious why you didn't find this out when you were pregnant the first time? Did they just not do this testing?
So, if you both ARE carriers (big if), that obviously doesn't guarantee that your child would get CF. What are the odds, do you know? And I'm curious why you didn't find this out when you were pregnant the first time? Did they just not do this testing?
way,Seriously, Nest? ugh.
As I was saying, either way, I'm sorry you got this news., no, this test wasn't done when I was PG with Alex. I'm not sure why, maybe it wasn't required in the office then? In any case, they were all over me this time.
If Matt and I are both carriers, it breaks down like this: 25% chance of baby having it, 50% chance of baby carrying the gene, 25% chance of baby not having it and not having the gene.
According to the internet research I've done over the past hour, generally, caucasians have a 1 in 30 chance of carrying the gene. They say it's 1 in 800 chance of both partners carrying the gene.
I'm just very surprised to find that I carry it. I told DH I feel like a genetic cesspool. I also have ALS in my family, although it seems to have gone down another branch of the family tree.
I'm sorry Heather! What difficult news to receive, especially on a Friday so you have to wait till next week to do anything further. I will pray that Matt is not a carrier & the worry can end here. Please keep us posted!
Good luck! I will be thinking of all of you!
Heather, I'm sorry you got this bad news. I am hopeful that everything will turn out ok! Please let us know what happens!
Oh no Heather. I'm sorry you got that news! I hope that Matt turns out to be negative for carrying the gene. What test is it that you had to have to find this out? Was it just a regular blood test?
Sorry that you had to get this news. Hopefully your DH will get a good report!
How cute that Alex said bye-bye!
im sorry you got such crappy news. sending you tons of thoughts and prayers!
Thanks, everyone- I appreciate all of your thoughts and encouragement.
We just got back from the hospital getting DH's blood taken. He almost passed out but is a trooper. I didn't know how bad he was at getting blood until today and he finally confessed. Poor guy. I told him the baby appreciated it.