First of all, thank you soooooo much for the well-wishes! Sorry I didnt reply to the other post but we actually dont have internet (we actually steal it from the neighboor! lol and it has not worked in the last couple of days!).
For the record, Im actually 6 months pregnant! as of last saturday, (unfortunately we had a miscarriage last year and this time, we decided to make sure it would happen - it sucks to have everybody and their mother congratulating you and then having to explain to them you actually lost it but since we're on the 6th month and she looks GREAT we have started to announce it to the world!
Yes, she is a girl! Her name will be Melissa (no connection to anybody in our fam, we saw it in a baby book - it means Honeybee in Greek and we thought it was cute
Melissa !!!!!! Im glad you took my advice & joined! Que te parece? casualmente, she will have your name!!!!
Yocy - My date twin, glad to know you're ok
Eli, Justine - how are you guys I've been busy lol (just kidding, not that much). Im glad to know you guys are still around & happy!
I'll try to come in more often & post more. Thank you so much for all your well-wishes!