Phoenix Nesties
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I'm super bored and not tired. And not able to really sleep much anyway since Bella is stuffy and I keep watching the monitor to make sure she's doing ok while sleeping...
So, if you want to ask me things, I'm game. 
Info about me: Favorite color is green and I always keep my job in Entertainment at Walt Disney World on my resume because even though it has nothing to do with jobs I apply for, people always seem interested in it and want to talk to me about it, and it makes interviews more fun.
Re: Ok - Ask me stuff
Oh, sorry! I missed that question!
I was born and raised in Phoenix, and grew up basically on the northwest side of town. We moved a lot when I was a kid (parents divorced, renting at a lot of different places, then moving in with my stepdad and moving around a bit after that), but we pretty much always were in the northwest area.
I went to high school at Greewnway high school (at 39th ave & Greenway). I also went to ASU. I moved to Tucson in January 2005 to be with my (now)husband.
Here is my token question--
fav five films?
Hmmm... states. Let me figure this out... (not including layovers in airports)
Arizona, California, Washington, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Hawaii, Alaska, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina (and we drove through North Carolina to get up to Washington D.C.), Virginia, and I want to say that's it... I can't think of any other states I've visited.
Shelly - that is SO hard...
In no particular order:
Sense and Sensibility, Beauty and the Beast, Lord of the Rings trilogy (I'm lumping them all together as one movie), The Journey of Natty Gann (childhood favorite), and it's a tie for The Rescuers, Ever After, and The Little Mermaid, and The Last Unicorn (my other childhood favorite).
Sorry, that's the best I could do to narrow it down...
OMG The Last Unicorn is one of my FAV childhood movies! I rarely find people who know of it! I bought it on DVD last month and watched it for the first time in years. It was so cool.
Wow! You know of Natty Gann? And The Last Unicorn?? Awesome!
I love those movies! I need to get both on dvd. I only have them on vhs, and haven't watched them in forever!