I dont ask often, but it has been one hell of a weekend! My FIL passed away suddenly on Saturday evening. Had a massive heart attack (which they are saying was provoked by an underlying diabetes issue). He was fine and playing with the boys on Saturday afternoon. Then we came home to Nashua (they were at camp in maine) and an hour after we got home, we got a call saying Carl had to go to Maine because Bill (FIL) collapsed and they had done CPR and were on their way to the hospital.
I found out that he passed away before Carl got up there, and it is killing his family. FIL was only 64. So if you are the praying kind, please keep my IL's in your thoughts. This is killing my MIL. I dont even know what to do or say....
Re: Thoughts and Dust needed..
Ugh, that is so sad and I am so sorry. It is so hard when deaths are sudden. You often dont get to feel like you've said all that you wanted to
How is DH holding up?
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Dh and his family
Thanks girls.. It's been a rough ride this weekend. Carl is not doing very well. His mom married Bill when he was 6, so for many years, they did not see "eye to eye" as Bill never had his own children so was a little harder to deal with then most. Over the last 10 years or so, they became super close and Carl is very upset that he did not get to tell him (and do with him) everything that he wanted too. I thinkk he feels that FIL did not know how he felt. I told him that he defanitly did.
Not looking forward to today (or the rest of this week). They have to go down to the funeral home in Reading and make the arrangements. I dont know how MIL or Carl are going to make it through. I have to go to Boston later, to pick up Carl's uncle from Seattle, and then try to go shopping to find something to wear the next few days.. Grrr.... i just dont understand why this had to happen. I guess I never will. Someone had a plan and I guess this was the end result for FIL.
i am so so so incredibly sorry! i will keep your family in my thoughts.
my heartfelt condolences to you all. ((((HUGS))))
I am very sorry for the loss of your FIL. Your family will be in my thoughts.
I am so sorry for your family's loss
You and your family are in my prayers.