Hi girls! Sorry I haven't been around this week - I was on a trip for work all last week and then had a Vegas trip this weekend. I'm finally home!
1) I threw out my back HORRIBLY last night during my workout. Has anybody ever done this before? I was working out yesterday for the first time in a week and totally pulled a muscle in my lower back. It's sooo painful, I can't even stand up straight and I have to walk all hunched over like an old lady. I put some icy hot on my back last night, which was okay I guess, and have taken ibuprofen too. I keep letting out these random "yelps" when my back spasms and I think DH thinks that I'm being dramatic but hot daamn, it hurts! Has anyone had this happen before and what did you do?
2) I am not used to this dry Chicago weather! How do you girls keep your skin that is soo dry and chapped? Living in GA for the last two years, I have never had the need to moisturize every day and would like to avoid using another personal care product if necessary (I'm weird about chemicals and try to use only natural/organic stuff) but I might have to because this cannot keep up all winter long!
Re: Need Health Advice
1. I threw out my back a few months ago, it does suck! I got that old man smelly icy/hot ointment. Worked very well for me, I smelt like a funcky peppermint but it allowed me to move & sleep. The patches wouldn't stay put on me because I lotion my whole body everyday...... which brings me to your #2
The weather is going to suck from now till mid April! I lotion from head to toe everyday and sleep with a humidifier next to my bed when we start turning on the heat (which will be this weekend when the overnight temp will be 40 fliipin degrees!) My cats, my dog, my husband, and myself all get dry skin in the winter.
I'm sorry you are broken. Throwing your back out totally sucks. I did this last year, and had no idea how I even did it. I was in a brace for awhile because it got so bad. The regular Dr. gave me steroids (prednisone) which temporarily solved the problem. He suggested physical therapy, but I went the chiropractic route. If you can find a good chiropractor (not a quack who just makes you crack) it really helps (well, for me it did). I found an amazing one in MI though. He would do a full exam each time (feeling how my back was lining up) before his very slight adjustments (more stretching me out than anything at first). Before him I saw one that probably made the problem worse, adjusting me without even an x-ray. *shudder* he hurt me so bad he made me cry. Anyway, point of rambling: Physical therapy or chiropractor (but make sure they are reputable, and they should have you on a short term plan to get out of there, you don't want someone who says you'll have to see them forever).
And for the dryness - just have lotion everywhere. For my face lotion I use L'occitane - it is one of those brands that uses all natural stuff, but they are kinda pricey. OH! You could also try Lush products. I adore their bubble bath. Everything is completely natural. They have an independent store on Armitage, but also a section in the Macys on State St.
I'm sorry, I have no advice about your back. Luckily I have never thrown mine out before.
As for the dry skin. I hate having my skin feel dry. I also hate greasy lotions though. I found 1 body lotion that I love...St. Ives 24 hour moisture lotion. I use it in the morning after my shower and at night before bed. Love it. It's like $5 at most drugstores, otherwise Ulta has it. For my face, I use Clinique mositurizing gel--moisturizes without leaving my face oily.
Hopefully that helps, I hate the dry skin feeling!
1) I threw out my back in May...I wasn't even working out and still don't really know what happened. What I do know is that I couldn't stand up straight, and each step I took was incredibly painful. After 2 days, and no improvement, I went to the doctor. He prescribed muscle relaxers and pain killers. After a day or two, I didn't even need the pain killers. The muscle relaxers, coupled with a heating pad seemed to do the trick for me. It took less than a week for me to be back to my old self! Now that it's happened I've tried to become better about stretching my back. A lot of people have recommended yoga to help with stretching too. I hope you feel better soon!
2) I slather myself in lotion every single day after I get out of the shower...if you don't want to use more chemicals, I'm sure you can find some really great natural/organic lotions to use
1. That stinks!
2. Use a lotion without a perfume. Also, put the lotion on right after you towel off and your skin is still damp. (I put mine on while in the shower, then clean the doors, etc.) It absorbs better. Jergens or Bliss are my faves. GL!