Hi! I need some help with a school project. Would you mind helping? I am a sociology major and am writing an essay on family communication. Thank you!
Names ______________
Income___choose one__
For this simply state, *You are hungry
*Barely make ends meet
*My children are anxious for their cut.
1. How did the two of you meet one another? Were you looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right at the time? 2. How much did the religious beliefs or social values of your partner factor into the decision to date? 3. Did the two of you share the same expectations for the future pertaining to children, finances, and lifestyle? What issues had to be overcome? 4. Did you consider looking outside your own race, social status, religion, age bracket, or gender? 5. What would have been the ?deal breaker? in your relationship regardless of any other factors? 6. Was the decision to marry for the two of you because it was the next logical step at the time? 7. At what point in your marriage did you know you made the right decision?