The other day at school, one of the teachers told us to go through a bunch of her old books and take what we wanted. Now, I'm a wicked book nerd, so I was all over it.
All the books were ones that I remember from when I was in middle school. I got a bunch of Romona books and some Babysitters club and Nancy Drew and the one adult book I got was Anne of Green Gables which I just LOVE!
DH asked me why I would get all these books and I said it's because I want to have all kinds of books in the house for when we have kids or have nieces or nephews over. We never had many books in my house when I was growing up, so I want to make sure we do in ours.
Oh, and to make me even dorkier, I actually read Forever Romona and I have to say, I still liked it. Hehehe.
Re: Ok, I'm a dork