So on Monday morning I woke up at 4am with contractions that were strong enough that I couldn't sleep through them. (I had been having irregular contractions since Saturday) So while I wasn't sure if this was it or not I decided to get up and work through them on my ball. That worked pretty well until DH woke at 6am for work and I told him that I didn't think he was going to work. My contractions had gone from 10mins apart lasting about 30sec to 7 mins apart lasting 60sec. So we called my midwife to let her know that labor was progressing. She said to call back when contractions were 5 mins apart. I was excited that I was progressing so quickly, but then the most depressing thing happen and my contractions went back to every 10mins. GAH! So since we hadn't called in about an hour my midwife called back and said to take a shower (or a walk) and get these contractions moving. So I hopped in the shower and within 15mins of that they were down to every 4 mins lasting an intense 60secs. DH had to get in with me so I could lean on him during contractions. We called back with the numbers and she told us to get on our way. I was dreading the car ride because sitting during contractions was not very fun and we had about a 20min ride so I took a pillow to bite so I could make it there. We got there at about 9:30am after much pillow biting and right away the midwife checked me and I was 6cm. She told me to keep up the good work and that she would be back in a few minutes well by the time she got back I was 8cm so she told me to get into the tub. In the tub the contractions were coming hard and fast and I don't think I could have made it without my 6 year old using hypnobirthing techniques to relax me. She had the most relaxing voice and I only had to squeeze DH's hand off one of two times. The next thing I new the midwife was back to check on me and told me that not only had my water broken (somehow I missed that) but now I only had a lip left. Well they got me back into the birthing room and now my midwife (a little shocked) said that she was coming now and that she had a nice head of hair. I didn't expect it to be push time yet, but I bore down during the next three contractions and out she slipped. I couldn't stop shaking it all happened so fast and I managed to burst a blood vessel in my eye, but there she was just perfect on my chest.
Re: Birth story and a quick picture