One of my closest friends called me last night to tell me that her 33 year old sister just got diagnosed with breast cancer. Yes....33 years old! She has 3 young daughters and is a self employed single mother(with full custody of the girls)
She is having a mastectomy next monday morning and then has 3 months of radiation and chemo.
The whole thing is soo crazy! She does have an enormous amount of stress with her past marital issues and such(some of which is definitly dramatized by her, thats just her personality) other than that, she lives a healthy lifestyle. She is in great shape, doesn't drink or smoke and did breastfeed all 3 kids for a year each(which supposedly greatly reduces your risk of developing breast ca) She did find this by doing a self exam. She waited a few months to do anything about it since she was uninsured. She does have insurance now, hopefully the wait didn't make it all worse.
Anyway, I just wanted to share since it was a major eye opener for me. None of us are too young to have it. Afterall, it is breast cancer awareness month. I hope that sharing her story can maybe make a diffrence in someone else's health.
Re: Scary....something we all need to think about..
My Photography Blog
Sadly, cancer is an equal opportunity disease. I know half a dozen people in their late 20s-early 30s with a variety of cancers, varying from stage I - IV.
Let your story remind all of us to take charge of our health and live everyday to its fullest!
I've seen such a big difference in the age women are being diagnosed with breast cancer. Most recently we had a family friend who is 28 be diagnosed with it.
It pains me that people have to delaytreatment because they are uninsured... but that's a whole other topic for another day.
I'm glad your friend was able to get treatment... I hope she does well!