Dissertation Study on Interracial Marriage
I am NOT a solicitor nor am I a vendor.
I am an old Knottie/Nestie who is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. I am conducting my doctoral dissertation study on marital satisfaction in interracially married couples. Knowing the Knottie/Nestie community, I am hoping to receive some volunteers through advertising on the boards.
What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between interactional styles, religious beliefs, and social support on interracial marriage satisfaction. This study is an effort to better understand the experience of social support in interracial marriages and the impact it has on the satisfaction of the married partners.
Who can participate?
I am looking for volunteers to participate in this study. At this time, the study is limited to legally married, heterosexual, interracial couples. The interracial pairings that this study is specifically looking at are Black/White (with their long history of interracial coupling) and Asian/White (the fastest growing group of interracial marriages).
Volunteers must meet the following requirements to participate:
Must currently be in an interracial marriage. This study focuses on Black/White and Asian/White couples.
You must have been married for at least one year.
Both partners must be 18 years of age or older.
Both partners must speak fluent English.
Both partners must reside in the US.
What will be asked of me as a participant?
In order to carry out this study, volunteers will be asked to fill out a series of questionnaires that will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. These questionnaires ask questions about interaction, religion, social support, and relationship satisfaction. Both the husband and the wife must fill out the questionnaires and are asked to do so separately. Participants are asked to refrain from discussing the questionnaire until both partners have completed the study. Survey responses will be kept confidential and participants may choose to refrain from providing any identifying information.
How do I volunteer? Who do I contact?
To volunteer, please send an email to
You will receive a response asking some preliminary questions to ensure you and your spouse meet the requirements for participating in the study. If so, you will be given an ID code for you and your spouse, and the option to complete either an online questionnaire or have the questionnaire mailed to you. Questionnaire information and details of participating in the study will be provided to those that volunteer
What do I gain from volunteering?
While there are no individual benefits from participating in this study, your involvment will assist in deepening scientific understanding of factors that affect satisfaction in interracial marriages. Additionally, upon completion of the questionnaires, you may choose to enter into a drawing for one of two $50 gift certificates to either Target or Crate and Barrel. This drawing will be open to all participants in this study and is voluntary.
Re: Interracial Marriage Study
Can you forward this information to my email so that I can forward it on? I work for a large publisher her in SA and understand data collection and how tough it can be. Hopefully, I can assist. Thanks.
Email is thegrays08 @ gmail dot com.