Morning, all!
I've only been back at work since yesterday, but I'm always happy to see Friday. FL was fun - exhausting, but fun. DH and I were seriously tempted to look at houses in O-town and talked about moving down there (because life would be much easier), but for some reason that feels like giving up on NY, and we're nowhere near ready to do that.
We have almost no plans for the weekend, provided my boss doesn't come and tell me he needs me to work tomorrow. Birthday dinner tomorrow evening for a friend's 30th, and that's it! Ahh, relaxation (and round the house chores).
Anyone have anything exciting planned?
Welcome back pretty lady
Last night we did our little try out video to hopefully do a spot on TLC!! I think it went really well! So we shall see!
Tonight I am having a good friend over and making my highly requested Mac & Cheese!!! havent made it in months! So tonight will be tasty!
Tomorrow I am slinging wedding invites at the shop and then going out to dinner with a few friends for my early bday dinner! I think we are going to Nellos in old town!
Sunday the puppy has school and then I think we are going to try to hit up the Greek Festival! yummmmmmm
Good morning!! This is going to be a great weekend! I'm so excited!
Today I'm going up to my school (where I teach) to visit some friends and show off my cute little girl.
Tonight we don't really have plans. Ray apparently caught what I had all last week, so I predict we will have a lazy night at home tonight.
Tomorrow afternoon, I'm headed up to Phoenix with Isabella. Ray is staying home to brew beer and probably rest since he's sick. Tomorrow night my mom is babysitting Bella Boo while I go out with my awesome cousin Jenn to the corn field mazes!
Then on Sunday, Bella and I are going to my best friend Shelley's daughter's baptism. Her daughter is 2 weeks older than my daughter. They're BFF's.
After that, I'll head home.
Have a great weekend everyone!
This has been a long week, I'm so glad for the weekend!!!! Between the extreme shoulder pain I was having ((and having to buy a new bed to fix it), discovering Cash was infested with ticks, watching a friend's dog, now watching my Aunt's 2 dogs and 4 client appointments------ I desperately need to drink this weekend!!!!
Nothing planned tonight, tomorrow we have to go to the dump, and DH needs to work on another old truck we have. Tomorrow afternoon/night is the big Cruise on Central, so I'm really looking forward to that. On Sunday this couple we met last weekend are coming over to look at maybe buying the other old truck--- regardless of if they buy it or not I'm hoping that maybe a friendship will come out of this, we need more couple friends, and these ones are totally into the old cars as well- a major plus for us!!!
Today I have painters at the house to do some of the interior painting that we can't do (ceilings and really high walls). They were 3 hours late so not really off to a great start... Does anyone else feel really awkward when you have people doing something at your house? I don't know what to do or if I should offer them water or what not!
Tomorrow we have a new dining room set being delivered and we're going to our friends house for a BBQ. Sunday I'll be up super early to do the 1mile walk at Race for the Cure, then we're heading to the Cardinals game. Monday the painters come back to finish up. I will be so happy when its all said and done!
Seriously TGIF. I'm dragging today! I don't know how I'm going to make it through 5.5 hours.
No big plans this weekend. I'm meeting up with some friends for dinner this evening. I don't really want to go since I'm beyond exhausted. But I figure I can head to bed as soon as I get home
Tomorrow DH is tutoring in the morning, so I get to sleep in uninterrupted. Then I want to do some mass cleaning/laundry/grocery shopping. Hopefully bake some bread and make something yummy for dinner. I'm also getting frozen yogurt with my brother at somepoint on Saturday when he's on this side of town.
Sunday I'm prepping for Canadian Thanksgiving dinner. I haven't decided what I'm making, a roast chicken for sure though. I want to get everything ready since I'll be working Monday.
I'm home sick from work today- I wasn't feeling well at all but had to make some big presentations so pushed myself really hard, and ended up feeling not so great.
Thankfully it's more of a just seriously run down feeling, I was really stuffed up with a sore throat but I think that was from traveling, so now I'm just catching up on rest.
Howdy-doo! I'm hanging with the kids <--- so out of my norm :P
DS and I are going to do a puzzle I think and wait for the ladies to wake up from naptime...
I'm boring