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1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out?
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't?
3. What brand car seat do you have?
4. What stroller?
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower?
Re: Baby gear poll
1. My stroller, boppy pillow, wipe warmer, diaper champ. Breastpump. At the beginning, the pack and play, but we haven't used it at all since Alex went to the crib at 3 months, but we'll be using it with the new one- it has a bassinet kind of thing going on.
2. ICrib
3. Peg Perego Primo Viaggio SIP
4. Peg Perego Pliko P3
5. baby blankets. Sigh. And not because we registered for them. I mean the heavier ones, not the lightweight ones you can use to swaddle. Actual blankets. Oy. you register...don't forget about things you may not need right away. Baby spoons and little plastic bowls for storing and feeding...think about when they are eating solids. Yes, a high chair, but register for one of the little fisher price boosters. Alex, for example, was only in his high chair for a short time. The fisher price chair has a tray and everything and attaches to one of your own chairs. Also, it's totally portable if you have a sitter or something.
I find pacifiers to be really dependent on the baby and I think it's a waste to register for htem in retrospect. You never know what the little one will like. Alex hated the Gerbers, loved the soothie he had in the hospital but when we lost it and I couldn't find a new one, I bought the "Mam" brand and he's been using those ever since.
1. pack n play, bobby pillow, bouncey seat, activity mat, diaper champ, graco thing with wheels you put carseat on
2. nothing
3. graco
4. graco metrolite
5. bibs and blankets
1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out?
baby monitor, pack n' play play-yard/bassinet with changing table, Swaddle Me swaddlers, diaper genie II AND the diaper champ (we have one in our bedroom and one in his - I didn't register any of this, but I couldn't live without my bouncy seat, travel swing, or breast pump or ultimate crib sheets.
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't?
SO glad I didn't register for a bedding set - just the sheet works fine. I wished I didn't register for a sling - he hated it, but loves the Moby Wrap. I wished I didn't register for bottle nipples or pacifiers (he doesn't like certain ones and won't take a pacifier now)
3. What brand car seat do you have?
Graco Snugride (the safest) right now and Graco Comfortsport for the convertible carseat
4. What stroller?
We got the stroller frame for the Graco Snugride, which has worked out great and we got the Chicco Trevi for when he gets older - both have one handed closure and are lightweight.
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower?
Towels and washcloths. Although we use the extra washcloths for covering his penis and drying his bottom during diaper changes. And we got a whole bunch of burpcloths, thank God, because he's a spitter-upper - oh yes and we got a TON of blankets that he will never even use, considering you are not supposed to put blankets in the crib with a baby!
This is fun, I'll play!
1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out?
Bouncer, boppy, carseat, stroller, bumbo, monitor (not used right away but USED a lot), swing, bundle me, exersaucer, jumperoo, pack and play.
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't?
Blankets, clothes (though we didn't register for them), crib sheets.
3. What brand car seat do you have?
Graco Snugride, Britax Decathalon and Britax Marathon.
4. What stroller?
Okay, work with me, it's an addiction. Started out with a Peg Perego Pliko P3, added a Jogger to the mix- promptly took it back after the brakes refused to work and the tire deflated, Combi for travel- she fell out of it at like 5 months old, returned that bad boy, Chicco lightweight, Maclaren Quest which I just sold to justify a Maclaren Techno XLR. I bought a Valco Double from a friend and will be adding a Maclaren Techno Double. Wheeew. As you can see- it is a progression of what you need/when you need it. In retrospect, knowing what I know now, I would buy a Snap and Go and a Maclaren (the XLR can hold an infant car seat, is lightweight, AND fully reclines, I adore it!!!). I LOVE my Maclaren.
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower?
I had a themed shower- ladybugs. She got soooo many ladybug clothes. Oh my!
Keep in mind that my answers are with a newborn at home...
1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out? Pack n Play (we have the changing part on it and use that downstairs- very convenient), diaper champ, car seat, swing, monitor (love the Sony one that some girls on here suggested)
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't? The Back to Basics sleep sacks work great, but the swaddle ones are worthless for us- she gets her arms out in no time and makes me nervous that the thing is too loose- of course each baby is different. I can't figure out how to nurse with the Boppy, but we've used it for propping Anna up and will use it in the future for tummy time.
3. What brand car seat do you have? Peg SIP- I forget the name, but it's the same one that Heather just wrote down
4. What stroller? Peg Uno
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower? Newborn sized basics- we didn't get a lot of outfits but a lot of onesies.
Get these things BEFORE you have the baby: breast pads, lanolin cream, many burp clothes (cloth diapers work great), pads, granny panties (maybe tmi, but I wore regular undies till the end, but with everything going on down there, they just don't cut it right now), nursing bras (the medela sleeping bras that BRU carries have worked well for this first week), get some button front shirt pj's (easier for nursing and you won't be walking around in and they make you feel like you have real clothes on, not just an open robe). I didn't want to get a pump until I knew if my milk would come in, but I sent my mom out our first night to get one- we aren't using it to pump yet, but even turning it on for 2 minutes is amazing relief from engorgement (yes, you can manually express, but I couldn't figure that out 3 days postpartum). We got 2 pacifiers and didn't plan to use them, but have used them once for sanity- they were good to have on hand. That's all that I can think of for now... keep asking if you have other questions! Good luck!!!
1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out? bouncy chair, monitor, boppy pillow
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't? n/a
3. What brand car seat do you have? MaxiCosi
4. What stroller? MaxiCosi
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower? Nothing really
1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out? Stroller, infant seat, swing, and Boppy. Everything else I used, but if I didn't have it, I probably wouldn't have missed it.
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't? A lot of the little crap (bottles, binkies, dishwasher baskets, bottle warmer),
3. What brand car seat do you have? Graci SnugRide
4. What stroller? Graco Quattro Tour (I got a travel system), but I also have a Jeep Umbrella stroller, and a jogging stroller (and will have a Mac Quest Mod tomorrow
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower? Bath gels and lotions. OMG, you wouldn't believe the bin of stuff I have, all of which is useless because of Gabby's very sensitive skin. I also got more blankets than I can ever use (and there was only 1 I registered for). Also, socks, especially those that don't stay on baby's feet. Out of the 20 or so pair of socks I got, only the 3 from Gap actually stay on baby feet (they have little elastics around the ankles - best thing ever!)
I wish I had registered for more books. That way, if someone wanted to get something small to add with a gift, they'd have a good selection. And books are something you can never have too many of, IMO. Going on what Heather said, I'd also recommend not registering for a ton of bottles. Certainly get a few to get you started (if you're even going to need them at all), but don't buy a bunch until yo're sure what you need and what the baby likes.
1. Definately my Boppy. I actually still use it to this day! Monitors- You may want to do your research on these. We just picked one that looked "good" and it actually really sucked. We ended up buying the Fisher Price Lights and Sounds monitor and its wonderful! Car Seat, Bundle Me and diaper bag, and the PNP. We set up the pack N play downstairs in the living room when Brianna was first born. It was great with the frequent diaper changes and naps. Now, its at my moms for when Brianna is over there. We've used it many times on vacations. Its so easy to set up and use!
2. Swing- Brianna never like it. But other babies really like them.
3. Infant seat: Grace Snugride. Toddler seat: Evenflo ( not sure the model) and also two different Safety 1st seats.
4. We have two. 1. The Graco travel system stroller where the infant seat clicks right into the stroller. And we also have a MacLaren which is great for short trips like the mall. You won't need this right away, but since they are expensive it might be worth it to register for it.
5. Recieving blankets. We have SO many that some have never been used before. But, they can be used for many things like to swaddle, burp cloths, a light weight blanket, a towel etc.
1. I could not live without: the Anglecare Monitor, Rainforest Bouncy Seat, Gmyini, Papasan Cradle Swing, Comfy Bear Bath Sponge, babthtub, Diaper Champ, pack n' play, JJ Cole Diaper Changing Caddy, Car seat and stroller, Medla Swing Breast pump, Baby Record Book
2. Things I wish I didn't register for: Sling, seat protector for the car, Bundle Me, (I was able to return all of these since they were on my registry but I haven't used them)**make sure you keep receipts and boxes for everything as at BRU you have 90 days to return things...take advantagve of it if you find things are jsut not working for you.
3/4. We have the Chicco Cortina Travel System....we love it.
5. I got way to many blankets.
Couldn't live without: travel system stroller, monitor, bouncy seat, PNP, bobby pillow, bottles, infant bathtub with swing, Diaper Champ, Rainforest swing, Rainforest gym, pacifers, infant carrier, diapers, highchair,
Things I wish I didn't: Not too much really...I didn't register for clothes which was good since we got tons of those
stroller: Graco travel system
5. TOO many blankets and bibs
1. What are some things you registered for and could not live with out? PNP with bassinet & changing table(he's in our room in that), swing, Rainforest bouncy seat(Jack LOVES this!), a paci clip for trips out, footed sleepers, Swaddle Me blankets are our savior b/c he wakes himself up with his arms and lastly diaper champ.
2. What are some things you registered for and wish you didn't? Nothing really and if there was somehting we didn't get it anyways.
3. What brand car seat do you have? Graco Snugride and Metrolite Stroller
4. What stroller? See above. I love how it handles and take bumps etc, though if I had to do over again I may have gotten the stroller frame, but I do love the two umbrellas(the one from the infant seat and the stroller one) b/c it closes Jack off completely from people trying to touch him in public haha! Though I don't always close it, its nice to have!
5. What is the one thing you got way too much of at your shower? Blankets, bath products(off names that I wasn't comfortable using), BIBS!