I have a tropical type houseplant. We have had it for several months. We started seeing centipeeds in our kitchen and finally figured out that they were coming from this plant. I put the plant outside to see if they would just crawl out. I brought the plant back in and they came back, so I put it in the garage and sprayed the dirt with a homedefense bug spray. I left it in the garage for about 2 weeks and brought it back in a few days ago. This morning I noticed the centipeeds were back, so back into the garage it went with more spray. What else can I do to save this plant? I cannot handle the centipeeds. Do I need to repot it? We bought another plant at the same time and have had no problems with centipeeds from it. Any advise? Thanks so much!!
Re: I need help with a houseplant
I strongly suggest contacting a nursery that carries tropical plants and ask them, but here's what I'd do.
There's probably eggs in the dirt. I'd completely take it out of the pot, get rid of the dirt, thoroughly wash the pot out with hot water and soap if you want to re-use it. Get the dirt off the roots as best you can by hand and then do a quick rinsing in cool water. Don't over due too much. Tropical plants can be finicky. Replant in clean, new soil.