Hi Ladies! Sorry I have not posted much this week. I feel as though I started getting back into things here and then all of a sudden I stop again. I know for good reason, but I still feel bad.
Anyways, I have a question. Ever since I have been pregnant, i do this gagging cough thing every single morning. Usually when I brush my teeth. I am not really coughing any other time of the day, but when I do, i relate it to gagging. Then I start coughing up phlegm. Ok, so normally i'd be like whatever, but the last few days it is BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT Orange / yellowish. Almost looks Orange Juice it is so bright. This happens before I eat, so i can not associate it with that. I have a DR's appointment on Monday morning, so i am def. going to ask then, but i wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas.
Re: A TMI Question....
I did not think of that. I just googled it and there are a few other "symptoms" that fall into a Bile Reflux catagory that I do have. Hmmm. I guess i really do need to bring this up then.
My gag reflex was also much stronger while pregnant and even brushing my teeth would trigger it too. Definitely ask your doctor about what you are seeing and get checked out but my initial thought is that it is ok.
Let us know how you make out!
I wish I only had a gag reflex when I got PG! I have always had an issues with it so I deal with it every morning but I have heard of many women developing this during PG.