Oregon Nesties
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Re: Unemployment article
Theory No. 4:
The Damn Kids Won?t Stop Moving Here
It?s true. College-educated young people flock into this state, even though they know perfectly well there?s no work.
?People keep moving here,? says Joe Cortright, a consultant who heads Portland-based Impresa Economics.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This made me LOL!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I gotta say, I love PDX. But, if DH weren't transferred here, I would not have been down with PDX. Housing prices are ridiculously inflated, and I'm stuck in the mid 30's for salary. Lame. Fortunatly, DH keeps getting promoted, so his salary more than makes up for it.
Still, when I'm feeling optimistic (which is usually!) I remember that its a progressive, awesome state with tons of natural beauty and like minded peeps, and I'm happy again.:)
this is the one negative thing that i've found about oregon since moving here...it really sucks to feel so 'unwelcome', ya know? almost as if i'm in a foreign country...
when i told my professor that i just moved here from MI, he said "hope you shut the door behind you"
i get it, but it just sucks!
Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living
It's really hard to set out the welcome mat when we've got one of the highest unemployment rates in the US and increasing numbers of unemployed people keep moving here because we've got "cheap" land (typical California-statement) or because it's "beautiful", "liberal" or they are looking for a relaxed lifestyle where they are accepted (aka it's ok to be a complete slacker).
Housing is disproportionately expensive when compared to salaries and employment rates. Our roadways were not built to accommodate the mass influx of traffic (despite the bicycle army -- most of whom own & use cars). And the personality of Oregon residents has changed drastically. What's not to be excited about?
OK..Ok...I get it.
I guess Daisy and I can feel unwelcome together!!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
FWIW, I dont wany anyone to feel unwelcome. I just want people that move here to act like "Oregonians" and be polite, well mannered, friendly, etc. And to not drive slow in the left lane on the freeway!! I think a lot of the "transplants" move here and still act like jerks,and I'm not down with that. Oregon is a great place to live because of the people that live here! But I don't think anyone on this board is moving here with a bad attitude!
I moved here with a bad attitude! Like you mentioned, WTF is up with people driving in the left lane 15 miles under the speed limit?!?! I realize I lived in Boston for 3 years and the drivers sucked. But at least they used their gas pedals.
All I want to do is be an asshat that passes on the right and then zips right back over and cuts that stupid slow person off. But I don't. I even try really hard to not tailgate. Instead I listen to NPR or Rodrigo y Gabriela and try to breathe.
And Jeff moved here as a young, educated college grad. For a job, or we wouldn't have moved here. A really, really good one that's secure, that he loves, and is his dream job. I don't know what that says about me, though . . .This is us, for sure. Tim will definitely be the breadwinner, and I'm ok with that. He's embraced corporate capitalism, and I can be the branch of our relationship that works for the crunchy non profit and be the nurturing mom. And since we discussed and agreed to all this BEFORE we got married, we have stayed on the same page.
...SOMEONE has to make enough money in this relationship to feed my fashion/jewelry monster! LOL.
Yep, umhum!!
Well...all you Oregonians...I am moving there with a GOOD attitude, and I'm so excited to leave the jerks of California behind! I LIKE it when people are nice, and ready for people who are just nice to one another. Although, I'm sure every state has their exceptions!
DH warned me about NOT driving like a Californian in Oregon (in face, he warned me again tonight!) He lived in Seattle for a few years, and knows when to spot a CA driver!
Also, in case anyone is concerned about me adding to the unemployment statistic...I am moving up there with a job, and moving from a state with unemployment just as high. And, someone got my old job, so I like to think I helped someone out!
I maybe got a little "huffy" in this post, but I just want to say that I'M EXCITED to move there and I PROMISE I'll be nice!! And I'm excited to meet those of you who want to meet me!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
I really hope I don't come across as rude in this post, but here are my thoughts...
DH decided on environmental law 3 years ago.. and then researched like crazy...and settled on school in portland since lewis and clark had the number 1 program for environmental law. so, for two years, we knew we would be moving out here. we spent those 2 years researching the city, state, etc...and were SO excited to finally move out here. you can understand after waiting TWO YEARS we were ready and excited and couldn't wait....we had heard so much great stuff about portland...how nice everyone was, how gorgeous it was, etc...just that it was basically a paradise to live in. we didn't come here for that, we came here for DH's school, it was just a bonus that it happens to be located in such an awesome area.
so...you can imagine it was disheartening when we moved here, knowing NO ONE, trying to adjust to living clear across country...away from michigan for the first time EVER..missing friends/family...only to find out that so many of the people we meet give us the side eye after finding out we just moved from MI. honestly, it just doesn't seem very 'american' to me. maybe i was too naive, but it definitely came as a shock to me. it's not like i chose where i was born, ya know?
don't get me wrong i LOVE portland...it's just that DH and i have gotten to the point where we hesitate to even say we're from MI when we meet new people now because of the kinds of reactions we've gotten.
and i totally understand the unemployment rates...MI is even worse. but don't worry, i'm not taking any jobs away from oregonians because no one will hire me
and DH and i are most likely moving back to MI once he graduates...sooo we'll actually have helped OR by our move here...we'll have come, pumped a bunch of money into his education, my education since i'm going back to school too, our living expenses, and on tons of restaurants, etc. then, we'll be out of your hair
ETA: if it weren't for scartlett, i'd probably be crazy depressed because she was awesome and showed me around, and became in instant friend
thanks, chica!
Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living
Daisy, we were treated the same way, and we were transferred here. Its not like DH had that much of a choice: Take almost double your salary, move way up in your your dept. and move across the country, or stay in PA where your talent is wasted and you aren't appreciated...um, let us think?
I get angry when I hear that people are treated this way, bc it really isnt fair to punish people who are following jobs or their husbands (like Daisy and I).
The_Jen was my first friend here, and I would have been very lonely w/o her advice and company. I'm glad I could reach out to Daisy when it was her turn to feel this way.
Daisy, this state is a better place bc of you, and it pisses.me.off that peeps are treating you this way, but I cant say I'm surprised. It happened to me too. One lady actually said to me "well, Oregon is for Oregonians". Really? F-you!