One of my good friends from college is pregnant, and also legitimately crazy. She has been keeping a blog about her pregnancy, and today while I was reading it, she mentioned that she kept her "pee stick" (her words, not mine). This grossed me out, but what grossed me out even more, is she left the 16 week old test on her coffee table so her husband's friend would find it - that was her idea of telling the friend that they are expecting. She went on to say that she has a pre-baby book and is planning on keeping the test in there for her child to see it some day.
I can understand keeping sonograms and ultrasounds and photos to share with others. But not the at home pregnancy test. Am I the weird one, or is it normal to keep your pregnancy test?
Re: Keeping your "pee stick"
Umm... I can kind of see her wanting to keep it, I wouldn't, but what ever, her choice...
But leaving it on the coffee table!?!?!? For her DH friend to find??? Gross!!! What does she expect him to do??? Pick it up and point at it??? Yuck...
Hahaha! That's funny!
Lilitaliangirl - Why did you decide to keep it?
I agree...keep it if you want to, but leaving it out is not a way that I want to find out anyone is expecting!
Married in June 2009
TTC started in November 2009.
3 rounds of IVF and a FET - finally a BFP in November, 2012.
2 ultrasounds and a heartbeat heard - grow baby GW, grow!!
Personally, I have no interest in keeping something that has been soaked in urine but to each his own I guess...
I used the digital test so you can't even see the results anymore so it would be pointless even if I was crazy enough to want to hang onto my pee that!