...and am just so thankful that he is healthy. I've never talked about this on here, but I was so incredibly scared when he was born a month early, about his health and his abilities.....and I am just so proud of him, since he has had to work a little harder than other babies that were born "on time". I think too that the first couple of months were so hard on Tom and I, because even though he is "3 months" he really would have only been 2 months this month....he was such a tiny baby when he was born....we are just so blessed...I think seeing some of the babies born early on the 0-6 month board got me thinking about it again...
Re: I often look at Austin...
It's amazing how resilient babies are...and how quickly they develop. Keep your eye on him... you'll feel more and more blessed the older he gets. And more and more amazed as he discovers how to do things, express himself, etc.
PS- Hi, Austin!!!! *wave*
I feel the same way when I look at Mason sometimes, but for a diff reason...when I was in labor with Mason he kept having heart decelerations, and wasn't recovering quickly enough from them. So they broke my water and found meconium in the fluid. It was then that they rushed me to the OR for an emergency c-section. Mason arrived screaming and pink and was rated 9 on the apgar! They don't know what caused the decels, but I feel so blessed that the meconium didn't cause him any respiratory issues and that he has had no real major issues since his birth!
We are blessed to have such healthy kids!!
Yup, i know how you feel! and you should be proud of Austin. He is always trying so hard and he is so observant and wants to take in the world. He is so precious and such a big boy from where he started from! Its amazing to think that Austin, and Connor, really are only 2 months and that they are doing so well for how early they were!
PS- love the pic!
It's amazing how fast they grow!
I love your new picture. What a cutie boy!
I completely understand what you are saying because everytime that I look at my two, I feel the same way. SO PROUD. Even though they might not be the first to walk or talk or be "advanced" in any kind of way, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of life!
They are already little miracles, as far as I'm concerned. I think about the disadvantage that both of them were born with and the obstacles they have overcome already in their young lives (certainly more than I have ever had to go through!). The fact that they are doing as well as they are and I helped them get there "somehow" never fails to move me to tears - especially when I see/hear stories about other kids who were born with the same problem not doing as well.
You are certainly blessed and very lucky and so am I!