San Diego Nesties
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My husband and I now have a new kitten! It's our first pet and we're so excited to have him. I'm not sure how to put pictures in the posts, but if I can figure it out I'll get some up so you can see what he looks like.
Re: AW: Got a new kitten!
yeah! congrats to you & yh! is it a boy or girl? any names yet? it took us almost a week or two to name our little zo?! playdoh & cali's names came a little quicker~ couple of days or so. can't wait to see pics! i know what you mean about the post/siggies, mh had to do it for me! ha! ha! i still need him to get our girls' pics up on here!
again! congrats & welcome to kitty parenting!
Thanks! It's a boy and I wanted my husband to name him, so he came up with the name "Mars." He thought it would be funny to name a little kitten after the Roman God of War. We ended up getting an orange and white kitten so it also works in the context of the red planet Mars because he has a reddish color. Princesskl, your cats' names are really cute!
It's been really interesting having a kitten so far. It took me twice as long as usual to get ready for work this morning because he kept running between my legs and nuzzling my ankles and trying to get my attention. He's one of the most affectionate cats I've come across, so it's really fun to interact with him.
i loooove his name! sounds perfect! mh's kitty growing up was orange & white. he named him tigger!
it can be hard getting ready! wait until he insists on being in the bathroom when you're "using it", or to keep you company while you're showering. that's our playdoh! zo? would always be there when we'd get out of the shower to lick our legs & feet, then precede to the wall to lick the water from there! ha! ha!
if you ever have questions feel free to ask! my name is kristi.
have so much fun w/ your name furbaby! take lots of pics! they grow even faster than a human baby!
So fun! Congrats!
I know you were thinking about volunteering...did you ever end up doing anything involving animals??
Thanks everyone! I've already started snapping pictures and I'm trying to keep up with him. He's so energetic. As I type, he's following the cursor on the computer screen and trying to catch it.
Danlisa- I actually looked up a shelter nearby and they're having an orientation on July 9th for new volunteers. I've put my name in so I'm going to attend. They have volunteering positions dealing directly with the animals as well as public relations/marketing, and greeting. I'd like to see if I can get involved in the business side, but I'm open to anything. I'll let you know how it goes.
I would LOVE to do that too...I'd love if I could get into animal rescue as a career but for now I'm going to have to start volunteering!
Let me know what shelter you start volunteering at! What part of town are you in?
Good luck with the new kitty and everything! I remember when we adopted Dante how new, fun and exciting everything was! Best decision ever!
- Martin Luther King Jr.