shy baby this time around.
That being said, our tech did say she was 85-90% sure of the sex. And when we told our OB (and his nurse), they said anytime she gives over 80% she's always right. So, we're excited!
The tech said basically she couldn't give us a clear picture as proof because the little one is only 6 oz and really doesn't have any fat yet...which makes it very hard to show girl parts on ultrasound. But there were no boy parts anywhere visible to her. So, she wants us to do a double check on the gender at our next appt (they'll do a quickie u/s for us) but like I said, she quoted us at 85-90%.
Re: it's a.....
oh yay!!! im so excited!!!!!
congratds on a healthy, shy baby!!!!
Was it Krista? If she's 85-90% sure, I'd bank on it!!!!
Well, unofficially, congrats on the big bro/little sis combo! It's my personal favorite
Yup, it was Krista!
Laura you were the first person I thought of.
Hurray for a healthy 80-85% baby girl!
Go Team Pink!
Yay Heather!!! I knew it. I guessed girl when I called Sam before. If you had Krista, I will laugh, because she told me she was "85%" sure that Ben was a boy.
Glad that baby is healthy! How are you feeling? How are your poor hips? I passed an Arby's today (they are ALL over the place out here!!) and thought of you. : )
Beth, the name is in my siggie. We'll be calling her Molly, although her name is officially Amalia after DH's grandmother. Renee I just liked as a middle name b/c I thought it flowed really well with our last name and keeps it very feminine.
Jeanette, oddly enough, i DID have arby's yesterday. Such a shocker.
Aww I hope it's a girl for you( I am taking it that's what you are hoping for) though you sure do make adorable little boys :-)
Go Team Pink!!
May 2014 November Siggy Challenge
The Griswold’s Christmas Vacation