Tyler Robert and Elizabeth Ann (Lily)!!
Quick birth story
My water broke at 3am, dr told us to come in when the contractions were 3 minutes apart which happened pretty quickly. We got to the hospital at 5am, i was 3-4 cm. The contractions were right on top of each other so i got my epidural around 6:30. by 8, i was 8-9 cm so they sent me to the or to get ready for delivery (standard for twins just in case something goes wrong). I started pushing around 9 and Tyler was born at 10:15 am, 6 lbs, 7 oz not sure on length. Lily was born at 10:47 am, also 6 lbs 7 oz 20 inches. Both are perfect!
Re: Introducing....
Congrats on two very beautiful babies!
Welcome to the world little ones!