Wisconsin Nesties
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Anyone up for a playdate next Friday (July 11)?
Savannah and I would love to do something next Friday... we could meet at a park and do some sort of picnic lunch. ?Or other ideas??? ?Is anyone interested?? ?I was thinking either Brookfield or Germantown areas, but open for suggestions. ?
Is anyone up for something like this, depending on the weather, of course! ??
Re: Anyone up for a playdate next Friday (July 11)?
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
Isabel and I would love to get together and do something next Friday
I would prefer the Germantown area, but I could go to Brookfield if you wanted. I think the park sounds like a great idea. We would love it. Let me know what time and everything (having off during the summer is a treat since I can get together whenever).
I was actually coming over to post about a GTG us WI moms were planning. Corey (GabbysMommy) posted this on the other board yesterday. I took a half day from work so I could come with Phoebe. You are all invited. Email me at elephantbubbles 08 @ gmail.com to get the address.
XP - WI GTG at Kops Park in Milwaukee - Friday July 11th
There is a wading pool in the park across the street from my house so we will meet there at 1pm on Friday July 11th to go swimming (it is like 2 feet deep at most), they also have swings and a jungle gym.
we can all meet at my house for lunch before we go!!
I was thinking the morning to early afternoon might work better with dd's nap schedule...?
What do others think--I think I'd prefer am, but if others are interested in Kops Park, that might be do-able. ?
I think I have to cancel Friday. My grandma just asked me to go rummaging on Friday, and I hate to say "no" to her. If you want to go to the Milwaukee Park, we could get together in Germantown some other time that would be great. If you still want to go ahead with Germantown....I hope you have a fun time! Sorry I had to cancel...I was really looking foward to talking with you again!
j_hope ?email me sometime and we could figure something out! ?missy2427 at hotmail?
I'm going to back out of any sort of gtg today too... ?I'm not feeling the greatest, and I'll have no car today... ?
?Hopefully we can plan a playdate some time soon (and the weather will cooperate as well!)