Phoenix Nesties
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We were able to bring LiLu home yesterday (on my bday!), 2 weeks early! She is adorable, and is adjusting quite well. She sleeps a lot, and although cried 2 times in the night, she went right back to sleep after letting her out to do her thing, and only cried for that purpose, not out of sadness and lonesome. We have a heartbeat pillow for her, which she snuggles up to. Getting her on a schedule is going to be a slight challenge, but she's a joy!
Re: She's home!!
I don't know why I'm having a difficult time posting pics on here!
Finally, got it!! Here she is, enjoying the rocks in the side yard.
We have a kennel for her, and it is her sleeping place right now. We're getting her used to us this weekend, and since I work from home, hopefully I can gradually get her used to being in there, not just for naps. We're also getting her a "play n' go" pet pen, which we want to have her in when we clean, cook, etc. As soon as our back is turned, she's off sniffing and being a curious puppy!
But, she is good so far, fingers crossed!
She really understands going outside to do her business, and I am finding puppy pads indoors makes her think it is ok to go inside, so today we're going to see if she really needs them inside.
I love it, though, after she's done playing, and she feels sleepy, she comes to me to cuddle and nuzzle to find her comfort zone to fall sleep. It makes my heart melt.
Sounds like things are going pretty well! My dog is not the brightest, potty training was HELL.
I found that trying to use the puppy pads was a big mistake for us. He thought rugs, clothes, towels, basically anything on the ground were ok to pee on. It confused him so we stopped. Which sucked because we lived on a 3rd floor apartment and he was scared of the stairs and not a light dog, but he came around to them.
Oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE!!!!!
Good luck with potty training. I've heard girls are a lot easier than boys. Our boy took almost 9months to be completely potty trained. Oy, remind me to never do that again. lol
And our vet. also said that puppy pads isn't a good way to teach them because like you and Shannon said, they think they can go anywhere, really. We got rid of those fast.
Good luck with the new little one!
How cute! I'm so jealous!
We've been thinking about getting a puppy, but the idea of potty training in our new home is a little daunting!
I totally agree. We crate trained our boys from day one and they are find with them. When they hear our keys or we tell them to 'get in your houses' they run right to them and wait for their treats. Our boys sleep in them at night and are in them while we are out during the day. Our little boys would tear the house apart when no one is around so it's safest. Good luck with her, she's ADORABLE! Looks just like my fawn puggle when he was a pup
She is adorable!
I agree with the kennel training as well. People say it is cruel for you to lock your dog up during the day, but I think it is more cruel to give your pet the slightest chance of getting into something they are not supposed to.
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