As if his brain trama earlier this year was not enough, now this.......
My mom took him to the emergency room a couple weeks ago, as he wasn't eatting and had no energy. Turned out he had renal failure. So he stayed in the hospital for a week, they got his levels stable again and his kidneys appeared to be functioning properly again. But they couldn't explain why.
They do all kinds of tests and of course the awful "C" word comes up.
It was confirmed yesterday that he has Multiple Myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells. No cure, but it is treatable and can be controlled. Although that treatment involes chemo and a variety of lovely drugs.
So yet another challenge begins for him.......
He is a trooper though. He is approaching this challenge similar to his recovery from his brain trama..... treating it like he is training for a marathon. Setting a game plan, with goals to achieve along the way, and staying focused on the task at hand.
Re: Stepdad has cancer......
ugh, britt. I'm so sorry
I'm glad to hear that it is treatable, though. I'll be thinking about you.
omg britt, im so so sorry to hear that.
all my best sent your ways and i will keep him in my thoughts
Oh Britt, I am so sorry. He has been through so much already....he will be in my thoughts for a quick recovery.