So I think i understand what you mean about the Certain someone I met in the Cardio Center. My FIL passed away last saturday and I had an appointment with her on Tuesday. Well, i called and cancelled, AND emailed her and told her that I hadnt been regular on testing my sugar (which by the way the numbers have been GREAT) and that I did not know when I could reschedule an appointment and that i'd get back to her. Well, She emails me and tells me she set me up with an appointment on Wednesday of last week. I emailed her again and said NO i cant do that as the wake was Thursday and Funeral on Friday and that I'd get ahold of her after the weekend.
Well i just found an email (after Laurie called and said i missed an appointment) from her saying that she set me up for TODAY at 8am. WTF.... I told her i would get a hold of her. Is she always that pushy?
Re: ~*~ChefSarah~*~