of course, PMS is likely the reason for my OA-ness, but still.
one of my very favorite cousins is leaving this week for guam. his dad is already there, working steadily, and has already secured a job for him as well. he was the second grandchild born after me (i was 7) and i remember being so enamored by him, rushing to help feed/change/hold him when he was a baby. i have lots of great memories of growing up together.
funny, he's only two months older than the hub.
anyway, i've known he was going, but he never had a set date for departure. he announced late last night on FB that he's leaving thursday and doesn't have any plans to come home anytime soon. he's the teen's ninong, which means "godfather," and she's at her dad's this week. i was going to ask the ex if i could borrow her tomorrow after school to go and see him so she could say goodbye, but now she's home sick with flu-like symptoms.
gah! i'm super sad
Re: i'm totally emo today
I can't even imagine being that close to a cousin, I generally don't care very much for most of mine.
But I'm sorry you're feeling EMO.
I love how you use OA now. It's terrific.
Trish used it ONCE.
You use it once...every 10 minutes.
Well you know what a follower I am, especially of things I really dig.
And I love how she didn't just say totes, but TOTES OBNOX.
Yes, she did.
In passing.
RIP, Totes. I'll miss you.
Sorry D, but I think I heard you say it at dinner last week.
She just confirmed that your misuse of "twits" not only occurs online but also in real life.
the nest should add a shovel emoticon.
Ditz perhaps.
1. A big F-U to The Nest which, for some inexplicable reason, will no longer let me log in with my old username. And of course, the Help link was improperly coded so I couldn't even check it out. Ugh.
2. My ears were burning.
3. I
that abbreves are sweeping the naysh 
ETA: Apparently it did sign in, despite me having to choose a new username. WTF?
Goodbye totes, HELLOOOO abbreves and naysh! Keep'em comin TR!