Ugh...Austin woke up around then and we have been keeping him in our room at night in his bassinet (the PNP) because we have the a/c in our room and the rest of our upstairs gets way too hot come the late afternoon/evening...anyways, I heard him waking up since he had been asleep since about 6:30pm, I just got him up and fed him...then I changed him like I always do and he was sucking his thumb while I changed him. Then I swaddled him back up and put him then he lay there grunting and groaning trying to get his arm out to suck his about after 45 minutes or so of listening to him (it was now after 4am) I took his left arm out of his swaddle so he could suck his he's sucking his thumb and making all sorts of noises and I can tell he's quite awake until 6am (of course I lay awake listening to him this whole time) when he started to let out these "is anyone there?" I finally got him up, fed him again and got him back in bed by 7am, because he looked so stinkin' tired....
It's like I can't win - he loves to be swaddled because it is soothing to him and he wants to suck his thumb too - but if I leave a arm out he stays awake and if I swaddle him he wants his arm out! LOL!!!
Re: *yawn* I've been up since 3:30am
He won't take a pacifier and if I leave one arm out, he's too busy either hitting himself in the head or exploring his hand to sleep...he took a good nap this morning from 7am-10am....but now he's Mr. Crabbypants and won't take a decent nap again....
He wakes up so stinkin' tired he almost immediately needs to go back down again for a nap and he gives me no warning signs of being tired - no yawning or rubbing his eyes or anything like he did a couple of days ago - he goes from happy-go-lucky baby to totally overtired crying baby in zero seconds!