I got to have an ultrasound yesterday to rule out another issue going on and everything looks perfect so that is a huge relief!!! We also got to find out......It's a little BOY!!! We saw his weiner!
It has made it all very real. We are both excited and now we feel like we can really start planning. Last night we read out loud the top 500 names from the SS website. None of them were working for us, so we got alot of thinking to do.
I was absent all day yesterday cause I went shopping. My little buddy is starting off with some super cute clothes. Gymboree and Gap were calling my name. I didn't waste any time! He doesn't have name yet but has some great clothes.
Our scanner is not working(it's actually operator error) so these are pictures OF pictures that were printed on glossy paper so I hope you are all able to identify his boy parts!!!
Re: My news of the day!
Ponder-ing whether or not to become a Viking's fan
CONGRATS HUN! Can't wait to hear his name when you guys come up wiht it!
Welcome to Team Penis!!
And DANG IT....can't see pics here
Another little boy!!
Congratulstions- and yay, shopping!
Congratulations!...again! I am so so so happy for you! You seriously made my day yesterday...especially after all of the crappy news I've been getting lately!
You need to get your butt up here SOON so we can go shopping together!
It seems like when I was pregnant, everyone was having girls. It looks like now we're having a run on boys.
Of course those pics are blocked here, so email them to me if you get a chance!
Congratulations!!!!! How Exciting!
I have had a gut instinct since I was about 5 or 6 weeks that it was going to be a boy...I was right. Mom knows best, haha!
LeeAnn, Steph....we so have a shopping date at Carters, and the Gymboree outlet!!!!!
Awwwww yea, more bargain shopping!!! Have you seen Zach's closet lately ? BWA HA HA HA!
Congratulations!!! How exciting...boys names were harder for us so GOOD LUCK! Our top names were Henry, Jack, Tyler and Drew. (If that helps at all..) LOL : )
Top one was Henry in the end. : ) Too many Jacks and Tylers out there right now.
Congratulations!!!!! What fantastic news!! I bet shopping is a blast now!!
We go for our ultrasound next Wednesday. I keep thinking we're going to be having a boy as well, so maybe we'll be joining Team Blue as well!