I hate complaining about family and friends... I really do.
But it's becoming more and more frequent that DH's friends and/or family are asking for $$ and it's driving me nuts. His sister is a single mom with 2 kids so of all his family members, we really don't mind helping her out from time to time. But one of his brothers is single and 34 years old!! How do you not have any savings??
Then, the other night dh comes home and says that one of his friends called him and asked for $150 because he's short on the money needed for his new apartment!! WTF!
DH agreed with me that we're not a freaking bank... I mean we're by no means rich, but we do live a comfortable life style. But hell, we both work hard for that...
Sorry... just had to get that off my chest. We agreed no more $$ to friends and family unless its an emergency.
Re: Venting... Mooching family/friends
Vent all you want! But that stinks. I hope you can stick to your guns and close down the bank! That is nice that you help his sister, but I totally agree with you about the 34 year old single brother!
Like Holly said, I also learned not to mix family with $!! Maybe you could offer to help in other ways, like invite the single mom over for dinner with the kids so she doesn't have to cook and send her home with the leftovers. Or when diapers go on sale buy a whole bunch for her....to me, that's different than just handing her $.
I can't imagine asking either, what a terrible position to put you and your DH in. Def the right decision on your part, you just can't afford to keep handing over cash b/c when does it end? And how annoying to have to ever ask for them to pay you back already...yikes.
For your SIL, try checking w/ The Mustard Seed for donations and help. They are an amazing organization. My aunt had a rough year a while back and xmas wasn't looking good. The family tried to help, but she had 3 kids and we could only do so much. They donated so many toys that we kept some aside for the kid's bdays later that year, and even re-donated some to a children's hospital.