We had a very successful 12 week u/s today. They took lots of bloodwork, and those tests wont be back for a week.
However, the tech said everything they could physically see looks perfect. She has all of her limbs (I'm weird-I was actually relieved to see this, lol!) and a strong healthy hb. Measuring right on time too!
We got to see her little face in profile. AND--she was stretching and dancing around. So of course yours truly was crying the whole time-even more so when I looked up and saw this totally happy and fascinated look on DH's face. He's in love!
And no, I dont know for sure its a girl yet, but I will be shocked to find out otherwise-I just feel it. We'll find out right before Christmas.
We are very happy.
Re: The baby actually looks like a baby!
I loved seeing our little guy at the 20 week u/s. He actually looked like a baby rather than a blob that we saw at week 7.
Congrats momma!
Jack Emmett born on 2/2/10 after 17 cycles and a miscarriage
Calvin Wyatt born on 1/10/12. Our surprise baby!
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I was SO positive it was a girl too!... so the look on my face when I got the money shot and it was a "wee wee" was probably priceless. I actually said "REALLY??"
Wasn't disappointed just honestly in shock! Good luck, I hope it's a girl! (I will however be a little jealous)
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hahaha! This will be me for sure. DH thinks its a boy, so we'll start placing bets