I have 6 nieces and 1 nephew between my fam and DHs.
His sisters kids have everything you can imagine. For various reasons (too much to get into) their parents are broke as can be and are having a hard time affording necessities. Id like to get the something that they can use. We dont by for our siblings but I thought we could get something the fam can use and the kids would enjoy. They are 2, 5 and 8.Any suggestions?
Then I have a HUGE problem. I have a niece and nephew that my older brothers wife and my brother (since he has no balls!!) has kept 'hostage' from the family since June. She will not allow us to have any contact with them. Do I buy them something for xmas? I know we will not see them. I know they wonder where we all are. My brother has told us they ask. I think if we buy them something SIL will not let them have it. I could be wrong but it has not been a pleasant few months. Any suggestions? BTW they are 4 and 9.
Re: r/p from my local board re: xmas gifts and kids
Maybe an entertainment gift basket for the people who are struggling, including movies, snacks, drinks, etc.
Get something for the other niece and nephew. The gifts may not get to them, but at least you tried. I would suggest books.
Our little Irish rose came to us on March 5, 2010
Don't drink the water.
Disclaimer: I am not an MD. Please don't PM me with pregnancy-related questions. Ask your doctor.
I was also thinking along the lines of PPs basket with movie and snacks. Maybe you could do something like the movie Ratatouille (sp?) with a recipe and ingredients for a french inspired meal?