It's cool that your H is a military resident, too!
Kevin's in path. Pathology is one of the specialties in
which the AF and the Army combined, so he spends time at both Wilford Hall
and BAMC. I think I remember from orientation that orto hasn't been
consolidated yet, right? As an aside, I'm SO GLAD that he didn't want
to go into surgery. His schedule was awful during his 3rd year surgery
rotation, and I can't imagine it being that was for the rest of his
career. Path residents generally don't even approach 80 hrs a week (one of the reasons he went into it)! Kevin thinks they're less deployable that some of the other docs, too. I don't know if he's right about that, but I hope he is.
Are you in the BAMC auxiliary? Since Kevin spends time at both hospitals, I can apparently join both of the auxiliaries. I'm going to go to the welcome dinner, but I'm not sure if I want to join or not. Already I feel kinda out of place because it seems like everyone down here has kids, and we don't. In fact, one of the auxiliaries' main activities is play dates! No one in Kevin's med school class had children, but almost all of his residency classmates do. Where did they find the time and money for kids during med school?! Crazy!
Re: **Oct1406**
sorry for butting in.......
We experienced the same thing with ppl having kids down here. No one in med school had kids. Then, very few of the residents in Alabama had kids. It was only during their last year that pple began having kids. When we moved here last year for fellowship, EVERY couple had multiple kids but us!! But we're now working on that!
Yeah, I really don't get the kids thing! Even if we had wanted children during med school, there was NO WAY that would've worked well for us.
pkate98: Is it you or DH (or both) who's the doc? What field, and which hospital? Oh, and good luck on the TTC!
It's DH. He is a cardiology fellow at UTSAHSC. Only 2 more years left before he is done!! Finally!!
I don't know if BAMC residents are the same, but many of the UTSA residents/fellows have been here for a while. They went to med school here, then stayed for residency, and are now staying to do fellowship. I wonder if the kids thing is related to the southern region as well as ppl staying in one place for a while. But I would think BAMC residents have been moved around a lot.
Cool. I've been thinking about looking for a job over at UTSA. I work in research.
It seems like a lot of DH's classmates went to USUHS, the military medical school. I know that their students get a fairly decent stipend, and (I think) free medical care, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Oh, and the residents generally haven't been moved around a lot. They stay in one place for med school, and then they also get to stay in one place for residency. For Kevin, the only times he had to deal with the Air Force up until now was for Officers' Training School between 2nd and 3rd year of med school and then for two away rotations. And we're guaranteed to be in SA at least until he graduates in 4 years.
Hey! Yeah the surgery schedule stinks most of the time, but he loves ortho and I'm use to the schedule now. It's not as bad as I thought it would be..
I went to a few BAMC Auxillary things and I wasn't super excited about any of the ladies.. All nice and all, but completely focused on their kids and like you said their play groups and they didn't really seem to have anything non kid or not right in the middle of the day ever planned. I'm lucky though because the Ortho Spouses are pretty great and it's about a 1/2 mix of kids to no kids so we plan alot of activities that everyone can come too.
Ortho is a 5 year residency so we are here 5 years and then he will have a 6 mo deployment (the most they allow for ortho guys) and then we will be somewhere for 4 until he gets out. Then hopefully we will be back to the east coast for good!! Before this we were on the east coast for med school so the whole military thing didn't really hit me until residency started.
There is another girl on this board who's husband is path at Lackland.