Today, we became the proud parents of a 10 week old Cocker-Bichon mix! He is a male puppy and we have not 100% decided on a name but we are leaving towards Smoltz (my hubby is a DIE HARD Braves fan!) or Porter. He's absolutely adorable! He was the runt of the litter and almost didn't make it. He is one of 9 puppies - which is a lot for his small breed mom. He was number 8 and 9, who came with him, didn't make it. He had to be bottle feed but now he is a strong, energetic, happy little puppy. We were trying to decide between him and his brother but he stole my heart...and my hubby's.?
Check out a pic of our new addition:
Thank you! He will only get to be about 20 pounds ?
Thank you ? if he's a cocker/bichon mix, does that make him a......Bocker?
He is TOO cute!! And he probably won't shed that much, due to the Bichon. But you'll probably have to keep him trimmed. You'll probably find that the hair around his eyes gets nasty.
One word of caution - both Bichons and Cockers are notorious for being lickers!! They like to catch you offf guard and get you right in the mouth! Ewww....... cute. Having a pup is so much fun. Our girl is our pride and joy...for now..hehe!! Having a puppy in the house is just like having a newborn. I feel it is someting couples should do before having children..haha! We used to take turns letting her out at night.
May I suggest the training pads for potty training. Our dog used them and they worked so good. We still leave her one for days she will be alone for a while to prevent accidents. She knows that if she needs to go she can go on them, definitly a better altenative than dealing with pee on the carpets.
Congratulations! He is so freaking cute! What name did you decide on?
?His name is now Porter! ?
We have thought about the pee pads - does you dog still know she needs to go potty outside though and only use it for emergencies? We're afraid he may get use to going inside and we want to avoid that. The room we keep him in while we are gone is all tile but I don't want to come home everyday to poo and pee!?
LOL Jacki! He's actually called a *** - A - Shon from what we understand so far. Or a Cockichon. We just call him Porter!
He is NOT ?shedder - which is why we got him as well. I am a bit OCD about keeping the house clean and a shedding dog would drive me up the wall!!! We have quickly learned they are lickers - and we don't let him lick because it's not a good habit for him to develop. The hubby had a Cocker and he was also a licker!?
There was a phase where we would let her outside and stood there for a while without her doing anything. 5 minutes after coming in the house she would pee. It was on her pee pad so it wasn't that big of a deal. She is a year and a half now and she knows that outdoors is the place to go. Now we only put a pad down when she will be home alone for a really long day which is pretty rare. If there is one there she will use it, if not she usually waits and goes outside.
She knows that when she goes outside she gets treats!!!
Sometimes she has bad aim and pees over the side of the pad. We only leave it on the tile. Beware about pee on the tile because it can seep into the grout and leave odors.
My favorite cleaning agent for carpet is Oxyclean 2X pet cleaner. I have only seen it at Home Depot. It come in a dual silver canister with a yellow spray top. You just dab up the urine with a cloth than spray the foam on it. Let it sit for a min than dab it up. It is really good about getting rid of the odor. Dog pee smell is the worst!
I would rather come home to poo than pee...poo is easy clean-up!