DH got an e-mail today about a grad student in the masters of arts in teaching program who died from complications from H1N1...I guess he went to the hospital last week with flu like symptoms and then developed acute respiratory distress symptoms.
I am now convinced and will be getting the shot. I think I'm going to get it tomorrow in Hillsboro but does anyone know if you have to live in Washington County to get it through Washington County? I hope they don't check...
here is where they have info on locations: http://www.co.washington.or.us/HHS/CommunicableDiseases/H1N1/h1n1-flu-vaccine-clinics.cfm
Now....how do I talk DH into getting it? He says he doesn't need it because he 'won't get sick'...I tell him that's stupid. Now, with a student at his school dying, I'm scared out of my mind. He says it's because the student was in the teaching program, but I say so what. He's 23 so he's in the priority group...
ETA: in the classroom i'm observing in right now, there were 13 children missing today...THIRTEEN!
Re: A student died of H1N1 at DH's school...
no, i've been trying to find out but haven't seen anything. i'll update if i hear anything...
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I've been searching to find out more information on this student as well. My professor announced it yesterday in class.
I'm under the impression that we can't even get the H1N1 shot if we aren't pregnant or with some underlying medical condition. Am I wrong?
correct....well you have to either be pregnant or be 24 years or younger, or have an underlying medical condition. i have asthma, so i got it
oh and on the student...i haven't had any luck finding anything out about him...if he had any health conditions, etc. even though he went to dh's school, dh still won't get the shot.
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