1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
2. Favorite place to shop?
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all?
4. Are you afraid of the dark?
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with?
6. Morning or night person?
7. Favorite animal at the zoo?
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok?
9. Do you speak any other languages?
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up?
Re: Random Lazy Sunday night poll...
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
2. Favorite place to shop?
Target & Carter's
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all?
4. Are you afraid of the dark?
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with?
No one wants to hear me sing! But I used to do a mean drunker version of, "I Think We're Alone Now".
6. Morning or night person?
Def. a night person!
7. Favorite animal at the zoo?
Polar bears
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok?
9. Do you speak any other languages?
Nope. 6 years of French and I barely remember a word of it.
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up?
Nope. But I did want to fight my kindergarten boyfriend for playing with another girl!
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Left
2. Favorite place to shop? Ann Taylor
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? Milk!
4. Are you afraid of the dark? Not unless I'm home alone.
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Ugh, I'm not a fan of karaoke so I have no idea.
6. Morning or night person? Morning.
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? All of them, I love zoos! Although we are both quite partial to Big Cats - especially tigers.
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? YAY!!! I loooove my ILs.
9. Do you speak any other languages? No but I know lots of really random phrases, songs etc in a bunch of languages from when I traveled. My lifetime goal is to learn to speak another language fluently. I'm not sure that will ever happen though. I have toyed around with buying that Rosetta Stone program.
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? Hell no, I was a good girl! I did get threatened a few times though.
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? left
2. Favorite place to shop? anyplace when i have money
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? dark
4. Are you afraid of the dark? not really
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Havent ever done Karaoke
6. Morning or night person? night
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? tigers
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? nay
9. Do you speak any other languages? French for 4 years but not too much
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? HAHA have you seen me? I scared men away with how Amazonian I am. LOL
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Right (at least from my point of view while laying in it)
2. Favorite place to shop? I pretty much hate shopping
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? dark
4. Are you afraid of the dark? yes
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Because of You by Kelly Clarkson
6. Morning or night person? neither!
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? monkeys
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? MIL yay, FIL just ok
9. Do you speak any other languages? enough Spanish that I passed the test and didn't have to take it in college
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? not that I can think of, although I may have pushed my neighbor/BF at the time when she was cheating at air hockey
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Left
2. Favorite place to shop? Gap, Ann Taylor or Bombay Co.
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? all but it has to be from UK or Swiss Chocolate
4. Are you afraid of the dark? No
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? A few I Karaoke quite often (well not since baby) but sing Pat Benatar, Pink, Joan Jett, you get the point...I like to rock it out!
6. Morning or night person? actually both
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? all,,,,,,love the zoo
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? yay for the most part
9. Do you speak any other languages? Oui, je parle francais.
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? haha...oh yea, too many to count. Not all for me though many were b/c girls would jump into a fight a friend was in so then I would jump in. I got in way to many bar fights in my early 20's......I had a lot of displaced anger until I finally had an awaking of sorts @ 25. Thank god....I was one angery woman but none since then!!
2. Favorite place to shop? express
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? milk
4. Are you afraid of the dark? yes
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? ive never karaoked and probably never will.
6. Morning or night person? night
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? i dont like animals, sorry
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? ok
9. Do you speak any other languages? yes, greek
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? no
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? I sleep on the left side- FI sleeps closers to the door. Where ever we may be sleeping.
2. Favorite place to shop? Target. I could spend hours in there.
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? Dark
4. Are you afraid of the dark? If I'm alone, I am. I will always leave the hallway light on, and the TV stays on. If FI is home, not really.
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Dont Stop Believin' -Journey
6. Morning or night person? I am most productive mid morning.. haha...
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? Gorilla!
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? YAYY!! I love my FIL's. They are exactly like my parents, and they all get along like they are new best friends. We are very blessed
9. Do you speak any other languages? No, I wish I did though.
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? hahaha, yes. My good friend (who is also a bridesmaid in my wedding) and I were arguing over my rollarblade barbie and she was not sharing. So I grabbed her ponytail and then she whipped around and slapped me in the back. hahaha. We laugh about it all the time.
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Looking at the bed, I would sleep on the right side.
2. Favorite place to shop? Any shopping is good shopping
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? none at all.
4. Are you afraid of the dark? nope
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Any one that doesn't have words
6. Morning or night person? morning
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? I have never been to a zoo. But I love any kind of cats.
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? Way nay!
9. Do you speak any other languages? Nope
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? Yes, I fought with a boy on the school bus and lost.
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? laying down I am on the right side...
2. Favorite place to shop? did you have to ask - Target!
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? Milk
4. Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? None
6. Morning or night person? I used to be a morning person, not so much anymore
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? Giraffe
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? just ok
9. Do you speak any other languages? I know some spanish
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? nope
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
2. Favorite place to shop?
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all?
4. Are you afraid of the dark? no
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Hmm, The Right Stuff
6. Morning or night person? night
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? um, I don't know
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? Yay!
9. Do you speak any other languages? um, not really.
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? No
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? The right.
2. Favorite place to shop? Target, J.Jill
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? Mmmmm chocolate. Milk please
4. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? I haven't a clue
6. Morning or night person? Night
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? Monkey, lemur, orangutan, gorilla
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? For the most part yay, my mil is a little cookoo.
9. Do you speak any other languages? Ja, und Si
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? Hells yeah, my sister took a wollop or two, deservedly so. But we're bff's now...so it's all good.
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Left (if you're looking at the bed)
2. Favorite place to shop? Target, I guess.
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? dark
4. Are you afraid of the dark? nope
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Nobody wants to hear that. I wouldn't kick ass with any song!
6. Morning or night person? Morning.
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? Monkeys
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? Yay.
9. Do you speak any other languages? I can recall some French if its necessary
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? No.
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Right, as I am lying on it
2. Favorite place to shop? Target or the outlets.
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all? milk
4. Are you afraid of the dark? nope
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with? Oh God. None. Nobody wants to hear that!!
6. Morning or night person? Neither!
7. Favorite animal at the zoo? I like all the animals at the zoobily-zoo
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok? Yay on most days.
9. Do you speak any other languages? A few Spanish words and a few ASL words.
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up? Nope.
Mondays are my lazy day, I guess!
1. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
Whatever side is closest to the door.
2. Favorite place to shop?
Walmart or Target
3. Chocolate- dark, milk, white or none at all?
any way I can get it is fine, but I like dark chocolate best if I get to choose!
4. Are you afraid of the dark?
5. What song could you kick a$$ at karaoke with?
Any Elton song
6. Morning or night person?
I used to be a night person before I had kids, but now I'm a morning person (still not a great one,though!).
7. Favorite animal at the zoo?
Last time I went to the zoo (with the kids a couple of months ago) they had some pretty lame choices - flamingos were the best thing there!
8. Your IL's- yay, nay or just ok?
9. Do you speak any other languages?
10. Ever get into a physical fight while growing up?
Only one time, 8th grade, and people pretty much didn't mess with me after they saw how much a$$ I could kick!
1. Left
2. Lane Bryant
3. milk
4. not really...
5. Hopelessy Devoted to You
6. Night
8. Yay
9. Spanish
10. no