My new Canon PowerShot SD780IS just came in the mail today from Amazon! I have been waiting to get my hands on this baby and I was SO excited to open it!
My old Sony Cybershot was awesome in that Sony covers the LCD with a layer of glass for easier cleaning/less fingerprints/no LCD damage. The Canon doesn't have this, so I bought some screen protectors (which turned out to be p.o.s. anyway) from Best Buy so I could keep it in pristine shape.
Seriously, I was OCD about making sure to keep my fingers away from the screen...had the thing out of the box for 3 minutes...went to blow some dust away to put the screen protector on it and accidentally touched the screen with my lip--- which is covered in Aquaphor lip balm! I tried to wipe it off with water & a soft cloth, but now my screen is streaky and looks disgusting.
I feel like an a$$hole. 3 minutes out of the box and I already ruined it? Can I clean this? It's been a long, bad day and I am beating myself up about this for some reason.
Re: New Camera! But I'm an Idiot...Help?