on boys names....
and its freaking me out me being semi superstitous and all.. we had names for both boys before we knew they were arriving,... and here i am pg and i dont have a boy name and im freaking the hell out and don thinks im going nuts....
i have a middle name, mark after donnys step dad because hes always beeen there for don growing up and tony has my dads so i thought it would be nice..... so mark is set in stone in my head... but im stuck on first name. and im having a mental over it....
so can you throw your boy names at me please????? im open to any name that you think goes well with mark.
even if you think its crazy like idk.... zeus or something, toss it out there for me please!
thanks so mcuh ladies!!!! i would feel so much better if i could just nail down a name for baby
Re: still so stuck... help please///
Kim you should go to nymbler.com and enter Vinny and Tony's names in there. It'll give you a whole bunch of recommendations on names that are like them (hence, names that "go" with them). I love that website.
....and if it makes you feel better, we still don't have a name and I've got a month and a half to go.
well with having a girl, i didn't need to use any of my boys names, but here are my couple that I had come up before finding out what we were having....
Kevin & Nathan
Gregory Mark
(I tried nymbler and Greg jumped out at me- it's my brothers name too)
i *LOVE* zachary, but don vetoed that. =(
i would just kick his ass then. Tell him that when he pushes the baby out of HIS vagina, he can name it. Until then, you make the rules.
(and then post and tell me what he says)