Hey Ladies! I'm back from the weekend trip to the beach. I got a bit of color and everyone got along well (I was just afriad that since it was the first time this group of family members traveled together perhaps we would have some tension etc after a few days. But everyone seemed to get along well!
I know MRSD was at MB this weekend, anyone else??? If so, you may have had the pleasure of seeing me run all over creation looking like a Pirate.
On my first night there I was on our ocean-front balcony and my hair was blowing around from the breeze and I went to push my hair out of my face an at the same time I turned my head and my left thumb nail caught my right eye...
To make a long story short, I wound up at an emergency care clinic for several hours, I have a deep gouge in my right eye, I have to see a specialist this week, and I wound up sending the whole weekend in a ton of pain with a Pirate Eye Patch on.
Not the best weekend ever. I also have an eye-patch tan-line.
NOW YOUR CHALLENGE... Vote in my pole, then tell me why your weekend was better than mine
Re: Pirate Vanessa Returns from Family Vacation
we must suffer from the same vacation disease...
When we went on vacation in April, I took a car door to the cheekbone and had to spend the rest of the week getting my picture taken with a big red gash on my cheek....
For example:
OH NO!!! There were NO pictures taken of me on this trip... I would have seen to it that the photographer would need an eyepatch too once I was done with them.
We went to Medieval Times one night (lame I know) and their photographer came up and asked us if we wanted a group picture....I was pleased to find out I can give someone the look of death with only my left eye.
Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry you got hurt this weekend!!!
Weekend was fairly painless-discounting the sunburn. Just spent time w/ the IL's and Steve's aunt, uncle, cousin and her husband and baby...which of course led to...."the baby questions" Literally w/in 15 minutes of getting to the IL's, my MIL asked-during a conversation that you REALLY have to twist to bring to the positive side of having kids- I was talking to FIL about the little girl that got killed nearby last week-morbid I know- and MIL pipes up and said "speaking of children, when are you two going to be having any?? have you discussed it lately??? what's the plan. I just looked at her and then looked at Steve. He looked at his mom and said, #1 none of your business and #2 we'll tell you when we decided to tell you. My FIL was sitting next to me cracking up. He's SOOOO much more relaxed than she is. which makes visits very interesting, but extremely entertaining.
Anyway. again, I'm sorry you were injured Vanessa. I hope you were able to enjoy some of your weekend.
Despite hurting myself and being truly miserable more than half the time, it was still enjoyable and better than working as a whole... Though I rather would have worked than suffered the pain of the first couple days...
I'm glad you guys had a good time too! I can't stand when people ask about our plans to have kids, we have been VERY open about the fact that we are palning to wait at least 5 years from when we got married, and yet the same people keep asking us over and over if we have reconsidered.
SERIOUSLY what makes people think it is ok to ask us what we are doing in our bedroom/sex life? I mean, I don't mind the casual "are you planning to have children" question ONCE... from someone who does not know our plan... but I think it is very very very rude for people to bring it up again.... If our plan changes, we'll let the necessary parties know, right?
Exactly. Although our plan has changed a few times over the last 2 years, we've pretty much decided that we're just going to see what happens, BUT we're not letting any of our family/friends know this-otherwise we'll get the questions waaaaaaaay tooo much. The way we see it, if it happens it happens and if it doesn't, well, we'll worry with that when we feel it necessary, ya know??
Happy Monday.