Ben still nurses to go to sleep! He has ALWAYS fallen asleep while nursing, since day 1 in the hospital. I don't know how we'll break it!! I know I have to though or he will never learn how to sleep without me and I plan on weaning at 1 yr. I nursed him before his nap today and purposely put him down and made some noise in his room by cleaning up a bit. He woke up and after a minute started to cry. So I told him I loved him and to have a good nap. I closed the door and he only cried for 2 minutes before he was out!
I don't plan on getting hardcore with the sleep training or even attempting to break the nursing habit until we get home- the traveling and such confuses him a little and I want to wait until I can be 100% consistent with it.
Anyone go through this or have some advice? TIA
Re: Nursing moms- Help! How do I break this bad habit??