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XP: any recs for wedding album vendors?
its been almost a year and a half and I still haven't made my wedding
album. My photographer was Gregory Paul but I declined the album
package to save money. I was thinking I better getterdun before I totally get over it. Plus, it would be a nice holiday gift for our parents. a year late.
Does anyone have any recommendations for an
online vendor that makes a nice wedding album? I don't like the ones
offered by shutterfly, snapfish, or Kodak. has a nice album
but I'd like more cover options than just black leather.
Re: XP: any recs for wedding album vendors?
As a wedding photographer myself, my honest advice would be to put some money away in a savings account and splurge on an album with Gregory Paul. He is a great photographer and his albums will last 100 years longer and look much better than anything you could put together yourself using a press printed product like blurb or one of those other companies. Something you do with a press company like blurb is not going to last long enough for your grandchildren to enjoy it, while GP's absolutely will!
That said, if you HAVE to use a cheaper product, without a doubt, go with Mpix since they are a division of Millers Pro Labs. The black leather is limiting, but worth it since it's going to be higher quality. You don't want to waste money only to have your crappy blurb book fall apart.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
I agree with going with mpix! They are the best quality for the price. My SIL is a photographer and she gets all her prints from there. I am doing the same for my prints that aren't from Alain.
Maybe you can make some albums from mpix for your parents and then save and get the more expensive album from GP? He is super sweet, maybe he would negotiate with you and give you a deal.
BTW, nice to see you around here! How is Texas (I believe that's where you moved)?
thank you ladies! still not sure which to, i'm kind of embarassed to email Gregory Paul since I'm such a slacker.
Michi - Texas is great! I'm loving it here. I miss my family a lot but we've been able to see each other about every 2 months so its better than I expected.
Check out these places:
I haven't used them myself, but a girl on my month board used the Black River Imaging (it used to be called Candid2000) and said it was great. Someone else (Can't remember who) also recommended the Somerset Albums site.