Hi Ladies,
The board is slowing down. Less and less posts every day. ::::raises hand in guilt:::: ?Let's pick it up! )
My H is off today and we have plans of getting our family pictures done. Woo Hoo... I'm excited and freaking out at the same time. ?Noah doesn't ever sit still so I'm not sure how he's going to do today. ?
Then I have an appt with an Endodontist b/c I have a sensative tooth. I hope I don't need a root canal. ?
Later this afternoon, I have a family session. ?
I shot a wedding last night. That was interesting, to say the least. ?Bride and Groom were total sweethearts and they were both only 21. So young! However, there were a few issues throughout the day. ?
So, what's everyone up to today? Hope you all have a great day!!!?
Re: Goooood Mornin'!!! It's Monday
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I'm totally guilty of not being around lately. Just been busy with work, and exhausted all of the time. I've neglected my Nesting
It's most likely not going to change for the relative near future. Our work holiday party is coming up, and I'm on the commitee, so we're constantly rushing around getting things prepared for that.
We do have pseudo exciting new though! We got our official letter from the bank that our short sale offer was accepted. Our appraisal is happening today, and the inspection is Wednesday! We have to close by the 7th of December, but we're shooting for the 27th (or earlier) or Nov. I really can't believe it's actually happening now. If we pull this off...I'm going to be absolutely amazed. A relatively non-dramatic short sale experience. Although I won't say it hasn't taken LOTS and LOTS of patience to twiddle our thumbs for 12 weeks while the bank reviewed things.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Morning! I usually pop in a few times a day, but I've been pretty boring lately, and haven't had much to post about. I had a good weekend-- Friday night was my turn to host bunco and it was a success. I'm the youngest in the group, by about 10 years, and the ladies were complementing me on how great the party was, calling me Little Miss Martha, lol. I took that as a huge compliment, I don't get to play hostess very often, so I really enjoyed it! Saturday and Sunday were lazy days, we didn't really do much, but it was nice.
I'm not happy it's Monday though!!!
:raises hand: I also suck at posting lately...
This weekend was a decent one. We stayed home (other then grocery shopping). On Saturday, I made some amazing pumpkin cheesecake brownies and then a pumpkin pie. Yesterday we had homemade chicken corn chowder... It was delish....
Carl left for Dallas today. So I am alone with the boys! It's almost a relief, haha! I like our breaks from eachother. I got used to him being gone when he came here for 3 months with out me so a break was much needed! This week, I dont have much going on. Hoping to get out with Shannon and D at some point and then Friday, I have a TON of shopping to do to get ready to go to New England for 3 weeks...
<a href="http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/wayfastwhitegirl/?action=view
I think it stinks when life gets in the way of my 'net life
I'm trying to prep a shoot and have no sitter for relief as my folks left for a Panama Canal cruise on Saturday. I have some other drama to figure out with dh and it is making me very tired
I want to break out the Christmas tree, I love turkey, but for me it's just not Thanksgiving without some Christmas decorations out...that and I need to get ready for dd1's bday! Too much to do and not enough focus! ugh, sorry if I sound like Debbie Downer
This weekend was a good weekend- but busy! Friday night we had dinner with friends in old town, and then walked up to Yogurtland-mmm. I dont know what I did (as I dont remember doing anything) but when we got home, my knee was killing me, and did throughout Saturday (I have knee problems) thankfully though my old knee doctor who was retired, came out of retirement and I see him Wednesday!
Oh- we also bought a new car this weekend. My lease on my lexus was up, and while I LOVE my Lexus, it was time to buy a more economical fuel efficient vehicle. So we did.
I'm with you Shelly- so excited for my Christmas Tree to arrive and start decorating!
The board has been a little slow. Lets try to pick it up
This past weekend we went to my Cousin's sons 5th bday party and all my fam was there. it was really nice to be around all of them (this was the 1st time since living here)
DH and I put an offer in for a house that has 5 other offers, so heres to hoping we come out on top!
I went on an interview today...who knows what will happen. It is so frustrating applying and applying without getting a response.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving...mmm stuffing
The board has been SLOOOOOW!
So slow that I have been on my old "Houston" board all last week!
Lets pick it up! Hoeever, yes I will be in Houston for the rest of the week...darn!