So yesterday and today Jack has slept late...he went to bed at 930p and is still sleeping...yesterday(well monday night) he slept 9p-830a!
Is THIS much sleep normal or is something wrong with the poor guy? I am sooo not complaining just worried that it cuts down on his feedings and he is already taking 5oz(the most per our doc at this point with his reflux, though we've been slipping him 6oz occassionally) So he is only eating about 20 or 21 oz with this new sleeping pattern which also according to the pedi is the bare minimum. What the heck do I do? If it continues I will call the pedi, and ask about the food. He has no temp either, so I guess maybe it's a growth spurt? When do babies usually start sleeping this long? I know that it eventually does happen, but thought it was more when solids were introduced and at an older age.
Re: Mom's is sleeping THIS long ok?
tony sttn before he was 2 mos old. and if he was hungry in the night he would wake up and let me know but for the most part, he sttn which was awesome for me because vinny still wasnt!
my thoughts are that he will wake up and let you knwo if hes hungry.
I think it is fine. As far as the feeding goes, Owen is a reflux baby too & has NEVER had more than 6 ozs at a time (even now)! I don't think he made it to 6 oz until he was at least 6 months old. He was a 4 oz er for a long, long time. I think that he self-regulated himself to eat smaller amounts more frequently b/c it didn't bother him as much. I'm sure Jack is trying to do that too. I agree w/ PP, try to sneak one extra bottle in during the day.
Owen was always at the low end of formula intake, but his weight issues didn't develop until he was much older.
DD has been sleeping 12 hours at night since around 2.5 months (7/8pm - 7/8am). We didn't worry about it at all and just enjoyed it. As long as he seems healthy I would try to encourage the schedule. He'll eat more during the day. 12 hours is perfectly normal once they start STTN.
Connor just started STTN about a week ago...I am still waiting to see if this is a fluke?!
I hope not.
But like the others said he would wake up if he was hungry. That is what Connor used to do. He has gone to be @ 7-7:15p for the past 1.5 months and will sleep to 6am and wake up for a feeding them. He also might be able to hold more in his belly helping him sleep longer. So no, I wouldnt wake him up. He sounds like a great sleeper!