I posted a few weeks ago because DH and I are relocating to Chicago in December and had no clue where to live. We recently went and visited and did some apartment hunting (we are looking to rent and our budget is around $1600).
I received lots of responses, but my question is, what is so bad about Lincoln Park? Many people posted to stay away and I am not sure why. Is it the cost or are other factors involved? While on our visit, I found it to be really nice and what we are looking for (I also liked Lakeview and Wicker Park). We want to be near things-restaurants, bars, shops, etc. One response from a previous posting said "You couldn't pay me to live in Lincoln Park." Could anyone provide additional details?? Thank you!
Re: Lincoln Park
I live in Lakeview/Wrigleyville and work part-time in Lincoln Park. LP is, in my opinion, a part of town that I would like to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Near our condo are plenty of places to eat and shop. There are many neighborhoods that offer the same. Unfortunately, LP is just like living next to Wrigley Field. If you'd prefer not to dodge vomit and assorted hoochies stumbling down your block Friday-Sunday, then LP may not be your ideal neighborhood.
I could go on and on, but I'm sure the neighborhood has its high points. I just don't see them that often.
LP is awesome. Pricey, yes. But if you steer clear of DePaul area, you should avoid the drunkeness and hoochies
South of Armitage has great places to eat, shopping, and people in the 25-35 age group. And yes, the train ride is shorter!
Lakeview (west of Southport) is another "grown-up" area that I love. Sorry, I have only been to Wicker Park a handful of times, but we have a ton if nesties that live there and love it!
i would say for parking and congestion alone is why i wouldnt live in lincoln park... i would live on the south edge of it, near north ave and Old town, but up near fullerton and diversey is so crowded, and lots of college age kids... I work near Clark and Fullerton, and I enjoy leaving the area every day after work...
I live in Roscoe Village... LOVE IT! Easy parking and more "open spaces" however it is far from the lake and take a bit to get downtown from the train.
Each neighborhood has its pros and cons, you just have to see what works best for you... Each neigborhood is close on the northside, you wouldnt be confined to any ONE neighborhood....
All of Chicago is wonderful, in my opionion!
I love Lincoln Park, though admittedly I do not live there. Stay away from DePaul, and you should be fine.
Of course, if you're reconsidering, you can always think about the South Loop--it is lovely!
When I first moved here, I moved to Boys Town (East Lakeview) with my friend. I had no clue about any area of this city, I let her pick. I loved finding the little cute things about my neighborhood, but I also found the annoying things real quick (no parking unless you get home by 5pm, the drunks from the Cubs game, the bar crowd leaving the bars at 4am and being so loud it woke me up from a dead sleep!) But like the pp said, it's only a year and it goes fast in this city (even in the dead of winter!) And after that first year, you'll know the area of the city you like the best.
If you found a place you like in LP, move there and enjoy it! LP does have a lot to offer.
We just moved from Lincoln Park to the western suburbs, and I honestly miss it! We loved walking to dinner/weekend brunch, cruising along with our dog and the abundance of shops, etc. It is very pricey. I would also recommend to stay away from DePaul as well. I would stay in South Lincoln Park near Armitage. East of Halsted or at least away from the noise of the train.
Hope that helps