I have a ton of things, and I mean a TON that I would love to recieve. Problem is that I don't know what to include on the different lists I'm suppposed to send out. I have to give a list to my Mom (for our intermediate family gathering), one to Her sister, My Aunt B (for the person who will have my name in the drawing), My BF's Mom (for their ENTIRE side of the family because everyone does something for every.single.person), yet another list will go to my BF himself for our house (and I don't know whether I should make it about the house or Me?)... Ugh Sorry about the giant run-on sentence...Besides those I have to give my Dad, Grandma, and auntie A all ideas of what I "need"... So what do I do???
I want to tell everyone the same important things that I really want (to up the chances that I might get them) but I am terrible at returning and exchanging things.. I also despise GCs because they feel so impersonal.. I get awesome gifts for people because I put alot of thought into what they want and need, so I just don't know what to tell the people that don't spend any time with me, it's just awkward.
Thanks and I hope someone can make some sense of that.
Re: Writing Christmas list... questions.
Our little Irish rose came to us on March 5, 2010
Don't drink the water.
Disclaimer: I am not an MD. Please don't PM me with pregnancy-related questions. Ask your doctor.
i just split up the items and give them to the two ppl i give lists to.
dh actually makes a list on google docs and has a 'bought' column next to it. he shares that list w/everyone and then they just have to 'x' off the item when they buy it so others don't also buy it. HTH
After all, it's better to receive than give!
I'm a troll for conversation with those that want it. I am not on the nest to pester you, why the negativity? I am asking how to handle an issue I've been failing at for the last few years... Jeeesh! And obviously, I'm not the only person in this situation. I am more than excited to show for the 50+ people I have on my list, I love to give when I've been blessed.
Happy Holidays!