Does anyone else have satellite radio? I only got it as my Dad got some deal on his account and gave me the radio as a gift... so there are 3 units on his account (dad, me and brother- all in 3 different states). I only really use it for road trips or driving between the QC and Peoria. I listen to it more online at home when using the computer or doing boring computer stuff at work (when I can listen to it that is!). The only complaint I have about is that the time isn't set to Central Time Zone... it's set as Eastern Time Zone (well, my dad/main account holder lives in Maryland... so that may explain that). I would have thought it would automatically change time zones as cell phones do. But it's not really a complaint per say!
I don't listen to it in the car around town because it takes more effort to get it all set up for a 5-10 minute drive than it is worth. Plus I like Jim Rome on ESPN radio in the daytime I don't want my car to get broken into... whether it's the midwest or not!
I have some friends that have XM and enjoy it as well. I like flying Air Train for this reason.
Re: Sirius
The comedy channels are great for road trips. We drove to KCMO in June and that kept the sanity for us. Plus, DH and I don't agree on the same music. It's usually who is driving gets the pick the music.
(It SHOULD be that the wife always picks, hehehe.)
I do see it as one of those "frivolous" expenses... but I'm enjoying spending my money as I please while I can before kiddos or being a SAHM (it's an option I may pursue later).