So the past couple of days, Austin has been waking up at 5 - 5:30am...he still STTN, so I'm not complaining...I've tried feeding him like it is a night feeding and putting him back down after, but he just lays awake talking to himself and sucking on his hands So basically he is up for the day at that point...
He's been doing great with going to bed between 5:30 - 6:30pm and has always gone to bed early and had been waking up at 7am....but he's decided to keep getting up earlier and earlier....anyways, I wanted to attempt to push his bedtime back, in hopes he'd sleep in a bit....but maybe he's too young for this?
Also, I don't quite get how you push a bedtime back...for example, Austin is usually super tired come 5:30-6:30pm (especially if he doesn't take a late afternoon nap, which it typical) and if I waited to put him down 20 minutes later than normal, I'd have one very very cranky/upset baby on my how do you accomplish this without upsetting baby?
Re: Pushing back bedtime ?
IDK. Owen's bedtime is 7:00, but there are a lot of nights he is too exhausted to stay up that late & goes to bed around 6:30. He generally wakes up between 6-6:30. But, I have found that even if he stays up late (for a special occasion, vistors etc) he still wakes up at the same time. Even if naps longer during the day, he still goes to bed at the same time & wakes up at the same time. The only thing that seems to have a dramatic effect on bedtime or wake-up time is if he really doesn't nap at all, or just takes a cat nap. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how late or early he goes to bed, he always wakes up at the same time. I have thought about trying to move his bedtime back, but since he wakes up at the same time it doesn't really seem worth it. And, I do enjoy/need that time at night.
Good luck!
I'm not sure either. My opinion is that 5:30-6:30 is too early for him to be going to bed for the night and thats why he is getting up early. When Brianna was Austins age... I believe she went to bed around 7:30. Today she goes to bed 7:30-8pm, so not too much of a difference.
Here is what I would do if you want to change his bed time. I would start your bedtime routine alittle later in the night- say maybe 10 mins later than normal to start. Gradually start to keep him up later at night until you get him to the point where you want him to be. It should be a gradual change so he starts getting used to being up later. Do a few nights or 1 week where his bed time routine is say 10 mins later than normal.. and keep increasing the time each week. Make sure he gets good naps in during the day, or else your plan will fail and he'll be too overtired. It will take some patience and time and you may have to revert back to your own schedule if he has a particuarlly hard night. But it will work. = ) GL !!
No matter what time Jude goes to bed, he is up between 5-6. ?Whether he's in bed by 6:30, or 9. ?He has an early bedtime, usually 6:30 - def. by 7. ?If we keep him up later, he just gets overtired and takes FOREVER to get down. ?Since he's up at the crack o'dawn anyway, I'll take the extra baby-free time in the evening, thanks. ?:)
I think a lot of it just has to do with the time of year - it's light out early, the birds are chirping, there's a lot going on outside that makes it seem like it's time to be up - even though we may not agree. ?