Maybe you haven't noticed, but I haven't been on the Nest at all lately. I've maybe come in once a week or so. Well, a few weeks ago I had a suspicion that my work installed software on our computers that monitors which websites we go to.
Sure enough, on Tuesday two girls got fired, and the only real reason given was that they had gone to non-work related websites. And not even weird ones (porn, etc), just that the higher ups had a print out of all the websites they'd gone to, and they were asked to leave.
So...I've been super paranoid lately, and last week just sort of cemented it. So I'm not exactly GBCNing, but I don't think I'll be on much in the next few weeks. Sorry ladies!
Re: Why I've been MIA
I don't blame you at all! Sucks to lose a job over something silly like that but it seems to be that more companies are doing it. I can't Nest during the day either because we've been spoken to about going on the internet while working.
What is GBCNing?? lol