There are a few funny things about this aw moment...
1) I did NOT run the Portland Marathon. I was there for the expo, get shoes at a discount and get taped by this guy. This was all to prepare for a race more than a month later. No worries, I have since removed the tape.
2) The photographer definitely took over 30 pictures from all sorts of angles yet only my foot made the article. Go figure.
3) Why did they really need to put my name in this article? Again, to feature my lovely unpainted (potentially stinky) toes?
4) Deep down, I think Dr. Forcum was trying to keep from breathing through his nose... poor guy.
5) Check out lovely man peering from behind Dr. Forcum. He kept asking lots of questions while Forcum was trying to focus on a) breathing through his mouth and b) telling me what he was about to do and c) to smile for the camera.
Re: aw: check out my fancy foot
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